University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

On Florida Day they have breakout rooms and we went to one that spoke about the sports management major but go to the second session (they give you two options to go to) and ask questions afterwards one on one.

I agree on what you are saying but in the northeast feel Kelley is a top school but my daughter wouldn’t want to go there because the rest of the school isn’t as good. It’s similar to Ohio State
.my daughter just got into Fisher and she would prefer to go to Florida. I was very impressed by Warrington at UF. I do think the students who go far at Warrington have to be very involved. Classes can be taken online but every business class is available to attend in person.


Kelley has an excellent reputation, but IU is FAR less selective than UF (last year’s admissions rate was 80% and they’re test optional-- and they went TO just before the pandemic, not in reaction to the pandemic)-- Kelley is more selective than IU is overall (but it’s also very possible to be admitted once a student is on campus). IU is a great and fun school, but it’s not ranked nor perceived as in quite the same ‘caliber’ or tier (I hate both of those words, btw!) as UF is, but I suspect that IU will see a precipitous drop in their admissions rate for this year and a corresponding rise in their rankings.

This is somewhat deceiving. Kelley Direct admit requires one to be admitted to IU first ( yes- overall less competitive than UF) but there is a required min GPA & Standardized test score. Currently its min score is in line with UF’s median ACT.
Anyone that does not meet these requirements or does not submit a score has to file an appeal.
I don’t believe the appeals is 80%. Where did you find these numbers?
Regardless of admissions, Kelley MBA has raised the profile of the UG program and I am fairly confident it is still much more national in appeal than UF- although I have not researched UF’s UG geographic results/ avg salaries in a few yrs.

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Kelley “requires” a 30/1370 and a 3.8 UW, but does allow BOTH a petition from a current HS senior to be admitted test optionally (I have multiple students admitted with ACT scores under 20, but high GPAs, I’m a college admissions advisor, as well as a parent).

Additionally, Kelley also offers a secondary but AUTOMATIC option to gain admission once on campus once a student has 30 credit hours, as long as they have no grade below a B in ANY course, both business perquisites and other courses. Even with some grades below a B, students can still apply and be admitted, but it’s not a guarantee. Current IU Students | Bachelor's Degree in Business | Indiana Kelley

Kelley is absolutely an excellent school and the perception/recruiting, especially in NYC and Chicago is on par (and very possibly edges out UF, especially due to the more extensive alumni network in NYU/Chicago as compared to UF, though there’s a STRONG UF/NYC network, too)

Can you tell me more of what you heard about UF Warrington Business School as far as reputation in NYC for job placement? The school is extremely impressive and I would much rather my daughter be in Florida then Indiana. I feel like UF is on the rise.

I was just trying to say, getting into UF (or UGA) on the averages is harder (imho) then getting into Kelley.

UF doesn’t admit by major so by getting in means you have the run of the place.

Only reason I made the comment is you said kids were waiting to hear but all got into IU.

I was simply saying getting into IU would not give me any ‘assurance’ a UF acceptance was coming. That your student got into UF is quite impressive.

I though all decisions were out but based on your note I guess some late applicants haven’t heard yet.

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My daughter did get into UF.

There is a Just Salad across from Campus :slight_smile:

UF has an excellent reputation-- as does Kelley.

UF has a very large and active alumni base in NYC (Gotham Gators is HUGE), but I suspect that Kelley might have just as large of a base, especially in Chicago and possibly in NYC-- IU has had a LOT of NY and NJ kids attending there for a good long while (less so for UF, though as a South Florida native a LOT of us have ended up in NYC-- I attended business school in NYC and worked in the city for a good long while, there’s a LOT of VERY c!ose ties between FL and NYC, as you can imagine)

I think that the perception of IU-Kelley might be just as strong as UF, but Warrington and Kelley are more ‘on par’ rankings wise (not that I think that rankings are the end all/be all)-- but most would agree that UF>IU even if Kelley is roughly equivalent to Warrington.

TL/DR: Both are excellent schools with great business schools-- and students from both schools will absolutely be competitive in the job market/recruiting.


Thank you!!

My DD got into Kelley (Honors), Fisher and Smeal but has decided UF is the school for her. My son is at Kelley now and it was the best fit for him. I think you need to find your fit regardless of prestige, rankings, etc. It’s what you make of your time wherever you are. Best of luck to everyone still deciding.

Deciding between Warrington, Smeal, Kelley ACE/Honors, Colgate and Boston College. He has Rutgers Honors at the Business School. Some other state schools and SMU and William & Mary. Of all these feel Kelley and the workshops probably the best for NYC IB although BC is very tempting. Kelley has great placement and is considered a semi-target.

Any comments?

Unless this is a recent change, and I doubt it is, this is not automatic admission- These are min qualifications (“For an application to be eligible for review”) not “automatic” approval. Current students are denied and forced to change majors, including some chosen to be peer mentors
Many schools have this option to transfer or apply once enrolled, including some that do not admit freshman (e.g., Emory). Furthermore, your suggestion that a requirement for a score somehow suggests a superior class is absurd. Using this logic, you would have to say that UF is more competitive than Wharton, Ross, Cornell Johnson, 

Rather than speculating, there are readily available sources to compare the two schools. According to the gov site College Scorecard , UF Bus grads median earnings (weighted across all specializations) = $61,368 vs $78,226 for Kelley ( N = 1187 for UF & 2026 for Kelley).
As it relates to perception, USNWR UG ranking is based on survey results from Deans and Faculty members at each AACSB accredited business school using a 1-5 range w/ 5 being the highest. Kelley = 4.2, UF = 3.8.
UF is a good school but that does not justify making up facts about other schools- particularly if one presenting him/herself as an expert in this area

You read more into what I wrote than what I intended-- never implied (nor meant to do so) that a score required implies superiority, only that the path to each school has different criteria (do you think recruiters and employers give a toss about that? NOPE. Do I have to know and care as an admissions advisor with dozens of students entering each those schools each year? Yup!)

And, we’re not disagreeing here-- as I acknowledged, Kelley does likely have a stronger reputation AND network, especially in NYC and Chicago (and those higher salaries are likely driven by location-- NYC and Chicago salaries are higher than those in the Southeast, which is where many UF grads land/stay) than Warrington. And, yes, UF (the overall university) does have a slightly stronger overall reputation than IU (the overall university) AND UF is more selective than IU, but does it matter? Probably not. Can a student get the EXACT same job at the EXACT same pay coming out of either school? Yup.

Every school and student has its merits-- and neither of those schools guarantee a great outcome nor will either of those school prevent one-- kids have to go where they feel as though they fit best, their families can afford, and where they can excel, period. At the end of the day every student will be successful because of who they are, NOT because of where they attended.

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It IS an automatic admission with all Bs or better, copy/pasted:

The record must indicate grades of B’s or better in every course the first time through in order for an application to be automatically admitted. (emphasis mine, it’s not bolded on the webpage).

^this is from this page (all the way towards the bottom): Current IU Students | Bachelor's Degree in Business | Indiana Kelley

It shows $65K for Kelley undergraduates on their website: Salary Statistics | Undergraduate Career Services | Indiana Kelley

College Scorecard measures 3 yrs post graduation- not starting salary ( likely to capture full employment)

The median annual earnings of students three years after graduation. Only data from students who received federal financial aid are included in the calculation.

These data are based on school-reported information about students’ program of completion. The U.S. Department of Education Department cannot fully confirm the completeness of these reported data for this school.

Note: The median earnings displayed describe a different group of students than the number of graduates displayed.

The value in using a third party source is consistent methodology in reporting, instead of reviewing ind school’s websites where, for example, one school may exclude grads looking for FT work while another includes PT work in averages


Yes, I added the qualifier “unless this is a recent change” and it appears the current freshman are the first who will be able to qualify under this new process. One can argue, however, this objective path is actually more challenging than one where only a few business classes are required. These are mostly non-transferable classes meaning someone is proving s/he can handle the curriculum- rather than showing potential to
 and pursue a year of studies that do not transfer to public affairs or other "back-up majors. This likely cuts down the number of standard admits.

Question for a bio major, 34 ACT, math & science high school doesn’t offer AP or IB, but GPA is nearly 4.0 (no weighting). She got into UF from OOS, but wasn’t offered any merit money. Alabama and Mississippi State have offered a ton of money, but aren’t as well reputed over all by a very long shot!

I think UF is absolutely worth the OOS tuition. Family can thankfully afford it, and by comparison, UNC Chapel Hill (similarly ranked) is about 20K more per year. Thoughts on biology students? Later possible med school costs?

Thanks, and congrats Gators!