University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

Go cheap if going to med. UF will not give any advantage academically. It may from a shadowing POV…not sure. But yes it’s cheap relatively OOS

Look at the McCullough Scholars at Bama.
Your GPA and MCAT matter. Not US News rank.

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If medical school is the only consideration, I’d go where it’s the cheapest and the student has the best change to get the highest GPA.

I read something the other day saying that 65% of students that start pre-med change their mind and only 40% of applicants get in to med school. It’s easy to assume your student will make it but probably good to consider what happens if they don’t.

My UF freshman son is taking classes with lots of pre-med students (he’s pursuing engineering) and most are used to getting As with not much effort and are having a very different experience. The early chemistry courses in particular are a challenge and instruction isn’t great by all accounts. Mine ended up with Bs in Chem and Calc despite failing scores on most of the exams. If he were counting on a 4.0 for med school purposes it would have been even more stressful.

Just a few thoughts from a freshman parent. Good luck with everything!


Is summer @16k for all 4 years for OOS students?

The 9-credit summer term ($16K estimated for OOS) can be fulfilled by doing one summer abroad or an internship.
It can be done in just one summer, or you can spread the 9 credits along a few summers. The requirements are the same for both in-state and OOS students.

Do all kids have to attend a summer program? Someone asked about this on FB but I don’t recall any replies. My daughter was admitted for regular admission and in-person.

Yes, it is a state law that the 9 credits have to be completed in the summer. They make it very easy. There is a Maymester where the student could complete 3 credits each May and still be home by June 1 to do a job. There are online credits. There are other opportunities like study abroad, internships (these have to be for credit).

It really isn’t hard and doesn’t cost $16k if you don’t want it to. I know a lot of students to do it immediately after hs and graduate early so it hasn’t cost anything in the end. A summer with 9 credits plus 10 AP credits is more than a semester of credit. My nephew entered UF with 40 credits from AP as they are generous.

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Agree with what twoinanddone said. This is a state-wide mandate for all the Florida public schools, however UF gives a lot of flexibility regarding how this requirement can be fulfilled.

Thanks. Very interesting coming from NY!


I also believe that if they choose to do the summer credits abroad, Florida publics might accept less than 9 hours to fulfill that. The student would need to check with their advisor or the website regarding this. My freshman is currently abroad with FSU and is staying on to take 7 hours in May and June.

I know next to nothing about bio majors or med school, but do understand that something like 80 percent of freshmen end up changing majors. That’s a very good point. I was asking on behalf of a young lady, a high achiever whose parents are trying to help walk that balance between the supposed quality of the education with cost… and then factor in campus culture, geography, all the things. thanks…

Quality doesn’t necessarily = pedigree. UF is huge. Classes will be huge. It will be impersonal to an extent. It’s a machine.

Many lesser pedigree schools may have more quality or at least more personalization.


Yep. The HS student I was asking on behalf has acceptances at other big universities, all with merit offers. She wants a large school but thinks the honors college might potentially help w class size. Not sure she got into UF honors… my own college freshman is in a much smaller situation with great experiences because of it. Good points!

Some offer smaller but honors is not all classes.

If you go to a smaller school you’ll get smaller classes.

Or if you are in a small major.

This is such nonsense. Some of your General Ed or Critical tracking classes may be huge, but classes specific to your major will not be.

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That’s not nonsense. I know kids who go. Both mine got in. One chose College of Charleston due in part to this (class sizes).

If you’re in a smaller major or upper level classes that are less common you can have smaller classes. If you quoted me properly you would have included that as I said so.

Nonsense is picking and choosing your words. And u just confirmed that yes classes will be large.

Btw this is most flagships / large colleges…not specific to UF.

The question was about quality and quality is in the eye of the beholder but most would not deem large lectures, multiple choice and TA sessions as high quality.

I am not denigrating the quality of student UF attracts. But the ‘quality’ if you base that on size, relationships and more. In other words it will will be different vs a William and Mary, etc.

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I don’t know how it happened, but we were very surprised that yesterday my OOS D received the Grandparent waiver after being waitlisted since admission. We are very very thankful! Thank You UF!!! Super excited and now a big weight has been lifted.


That is amazing, congratulations! Could I ask when you submitted the waiver?



Yes , received the waiver a few days ago off the waitlist…now only if my son could decide between UF/FSU/Ari/Ala…all gave him nice scholarship & or waiver. California and Northeast schools gave little or none in relation to costs. Those 4 are best choice for undergrad/undecided

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