University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

How does UF know to offer the DE/Transfer option if they’llhave their AA? The blog said they have to opt in, does that mean if they get that option, they won’t hear back until a later date?

The student indicates on the freshman application that they will have an AA degree/60 hours. If the student Opts-In to a transfer review then they agree they want to be treated like a transfer student and wait to see if they are admitted into their upper-division major after uploading a college transcript as soon as their transfer status is created.

I’m guessing it’s too late to check if they marked that? My daughter already has 60+ hrs and will graduate with her AA before her HS diploma. When would they hear back on transfers if they do opt in?

but this is exactly why you only get compared to kids in your school for the admissions process… so its all relative. plus they cant compare you to kids in other schools because not all schools have all the AICE or AP classes offered… so you are directly compared to your peers at the same high school… while they do not have quotas at school A or School B i am sure they take a similar amount of kids from School A every year… one year it might be 60 and another year it might be 57 or 63 as an example… i highly doubt its 60 one year and 35 in the next year… this also helps them with their yield… the data shows that schools in a certain area or a certain schools might yield 65% because its south Florida, where maybe on the west coast the yield is much less because the kids want fsu or somewhere else for example. so they know exactly how many kids they need to accept to get a certain amount of kids to come… Now for out of state who knows… thats got to be very difficult. but im sure they use many years of data to see how many to accept at certain schools too? would be so cool to one day sit behind the scenes and watch what goes on

If you still have the application summary that will say or your daughter can email and we can let her know.

Would they mention NMF scholarship with the admission?

No we won’t get the National Merit list for a while

Can you tell me where the housing portal “Welcome to Gator Nation” is located, or show a screen shot of what you are talking about? Thanks!

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It’s just at the bottom of the application portal under “helpful links.” my guess is it’s there for everyone.

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When you go on application status portal on the right side it says “helpful links” and then click on Housing Information.

Doesn’t it say “WELCOME to Gator nation” on everyones page?? Don’t get me all excited!!


It does on mine as well.

Looks like that might have been it! My wife got the email and so did my son, didn’t get the word until later tonight. Guess I was either off the list or it was a typo! Phew! :sweat_smile:


I tend to agree but then there is the part where they too say it’s “holistic” and then I think “oh dear college admittance decided by one essay”:joy:. Outside if that, I do think they are straight forward.

Yes! This is what makes me uneasy because I feel
Like they look at the bare minimum and then how do you sort after that? Essays??? I get that essays are part of a holistic application but if the app is barebones then isn’t the essay worth more? And I do not like college admissions weighing heavily on one essay because my student has strong academics that would serve them more than any essay (just my humble opinion and feeling)
Just something about there process makes me feel
Safe and scared at the same time😂


I didn’t get the email, but my daughter did.


I think with an acceptance rate hovering at about 30% a “bare bones” application would not even be considered. I think you would have to be a pretty decent student just to get your essay and the rest of the details of your application looked at. I may be wrong, but at nearly 50,000 applicants, there has to be a way to initially filter applicants that don’t stand a chance before even getting to their essays and other soft factors such as ECs, community involvement, etc. That would just not be efficient to look at a bare bones candidate’s essays if they are not likely to succeed academically. That being said - a stand out essay and other stand out soft factors for a top 25% student can distinguish them and make them a better candidate in my opinion from someone that is a top 10% student who does not stand out in those areas. There is a lot of gray area here hence the holistic approach - I don’t think it is simply High Stats vs. the other 95% all lumped into one. There are High Stats, Great Stats, Good Stats, Average Stats, Below Average Stats, etc. In other words, I don’t think they’ll pick a “bare bones” student with a great essay over an excellent student with an okay essay - I think that particular student will be competing with the great students with great essays.


I got the email, and it’s primary goal was to clarify the alternate admission paths. The cynic in me read it as a potential preparation for an alternate path admission. Perhaps it’s better not to receive it, as your child will be receiving standard fall admission. Time will tell!

My daughter’s says it, and UF is a HUGE reach for her. So, don’t get too excited LOL

i don’t like the essay either… for many reasons… grades are grades… accepting a student because of a few paragraphs does not add up. i think you totally mess it up maybe but i cant imagine the essay being so important… as much as they all say it is? if you step back and really think about it. my child wrote their essay in 90 minutes… does that equate to 3 years of grades, rigor and EC’s