University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

agree with the high stats ok essay and the low stats great essay. the essay takes 90 minutes to write… you arent taking that applicant over 3 long years of great grades… doesn’t seem to add up… there are anomalies but directionally they are taking the kids with great grades and more times then not, those applicants also have the EC’s to go along with it. so i think it goes hand in hand

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Is anything really objectively comparable across geographies and types of schools besides test scores? Within geographies, schools and types of schools it’s easier. Essays may say/differentiate a lot about a very small portion of kids, but not most.


By bare bones I mean they look at a more narrow list of accomplishments. Sounds like you have faith in the process, I hope you are right!

…if they are even written by the applicant and not a “college coach”


DD says that. Did it not say that before?

Looks like this LA times article is making an impact. That was their main argument here:
At this rate, no SAT, no essay and GPA if gamed by private schools. what is left?

They could have just changed in anticipation of the big day. The admissions website changes tomorrow to help with all of the traffic it will be getting.

Thank you Melissa. Now we know not to read into every change! Good Luck everyone!


This is an honest question, not looking to stir anything: can anyone explain why the Florida blog that they sent out said somewhere over 60,000 applications, and yet FSU announced 74,000 applications when they released their results last week? I’m asking because university of Florida is known as the more prominent and higher rank school. Any insight into why FSU gets more applicants?

Test optional policies help colleges seem more selective. The number of applicants to schools that have TO has increased dramatically, and as a result the % of those accepted became smaller. It also skews what those colleges report as being their middle 50% SAT and ACT. I know of one school whose admissions office was advising, when asked, not to send anything lower than a 1450. I really hope that the new TO policies have helped those in underrepresented and lower income group, but it seems that maybe some colleges are using it to manipulate their data…


bingo!!! and that happen alot more than you think. i didn’t want to say it so you did… how can that essay be that valuable when others might be writing it for them?


i often ask the same… many kids feel they have zero chance to get into UF so they do not bother to apply… even though its only a small amount of money… but that amount can mean alot to alot of families… and if you feel you have no chance why apply. thats the thinking im guesssing?

I don’t know the answer to your question but, with so many students applying sans scores to schools they typically would not apply to if full credentials were required, I wonder if FSU is being used frequently as a safety whereas fewer students would use UF as a fallback.
I predicted GA & FL public universities would see a drop in applications as a result of being some of the only schools to require scores. FSU clearly has not.
How does this 60,000 compare to prior years for UF?

Both UGA and UF saw increases in the number of applications. UF had about 53K last year (I believe) as compared to the 60k reported for this year.

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So nervous.

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So did UF release their admission stats for 2022?

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No, not yet.

Not a huge deal but FSU also does not require a supplemental essay.

UF admissions 2026 decision for OOS does UF let us know of any OOS tuition waiver scholarship award on Feb 25th or will that be some time in March… what mid march? FSU offered the OOS tuition waiver with the admissions letter.

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They are planning to have all admissions scholarships and financial aid offers out by mid-March, hopefully earlier.