University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

yes. most of the applications are duplicates from FSU to UF so yes their stats are high… but they also accept way more than UF does because their yield isn’t the same. I bet if you saw the enrolled fall stats FSU v UF it is drastically different for this incoming year…

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Using last year’s FSU common data set and the 2020 one for UF (latest I found), FSU enrolls 1300 more students and has an average ACT of 28 (for enrolled students) vs. 31 at UF. The median SAT at FSU was 1265 vs. 1380 at UF. I suspect that FSU is closing the gap with its dramatic ranking improvement. However, UF is also moving up and cracked the top five public universities this year.

One thing I wonder is why UGA is much more popular than UF from our Dallas high school. Is it because UF is a much tougher admit? UGA is “SMU like” in campus beauty? They seem similarly fun but UGA has more OOS students. UGA may also have more Greek emphasis.

Decisions will be out before 6 pm.

how much earlier?

I don’t remember the number, but a LOT of the applications received by FSU were after the deadline. I have no idea why that happens, but it skews the actual number of applications that will be considered. FSU also defers a large number of applicants where UF will not. FWIW.

how do you know decisions will be out before 6pm?

Hopefully you explained all that on the application where you could add comments. I think that is important information the AO’s would appreciate knowing.

My friend with great stats OOS submitted an application in January to FSU and got rejected a few weeks later. Are you saying they may not have considered it bc so far after priority deadline? She was surprised she got rejected. I did hit the UF priority deadline so hopefully not the same result!

I didn’t explain anything in my app around unique class offerings. It’s in the school profile the AO receives but otherwise there’s no way to know.

sorry but do you know how much earlier than 6PM?

My son checked at 5:30 and they were already released. I think they choose 6 pm to ensure no one is in the office to answer phone calls until Monday. Fewer calls after people have the weekend to de-stress. I’ve followed the process for three years now, and have two in the school, and it has always been before 6 pm.


This is the First year FSU deferred and added a waitlist due to large amount of applications

I don’t recall FSU’s deadline. My student submitted his app in August. I do know for a fact, that any applications received after the deadline will not be considered. They will, however, keep your application fee.

@Melissa96 said in post #11 that decisions will come out “around 6ish”. She then said in post #109 that portal changes will start to happen “closer to 5:30”

UF and FSU both have the same deadlines November 1st for priority with a decision in February.
Both schools accept applications until March 1st for admission on a space available basis. However, very difficult to get in if you miss the November 1st deadline.

Good Luck today


Housing portal and other helpful links are gone for me now

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Same. Does that mean rejection?

Does anybody else still have helpful links?

All the links for my daughter are gone. Only shows applicant checklist at this time.

Same, same.