University of Florida Class of 2027 Official Thread

y daughter was just admitted to the UF-PACE program. She has a tough decision to make. UF was her top choice, but she has been accepted at Florida State (honors program), UCF (honors program), USF, and others. The PACE program sounds intriguing, and PACE does offer her major of interest, but we are concerned she wouldn’t have the “full college experience” going this route. We need to sit down and discuss, but wondering if others here are in the same situation?

I feel same as you but have been reading a lot on fb tonight ( uf parent pages and pace fb group) and overwhelmingly people seem happy with their experience. There are private dorms/apts steps from campus filled with freshman and pace kids so they still have that freshman experience (which was my biggest concern about pace ). And they can join all other campus activities , clubs, sporting events , Greek like etc. also many non pace kids still end up taking some online classes so it’s not as bad as we first thought. we are going to spend some time considering it.


Accepted In state
3.87 UW/ 4.49 W
1380 SAT



Accepted in state for fall 4.0 uw, top 10%, 35 ACT multi sport athlete-all honors and AP classes (9AP’s) received email. No honors though which was a surprise.

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Did you get in to UF?


No. Rejected in state with 3.8 uw, 1550 SAT, tons of extracurriculars.


Do students need to set up a gatorlink somewhere on the website or is this going to be emailed to them? If so when is that?

A few days after the student is admitted, they will receive an email that will prompt them to create a GatorLink username and password.


Congrats! My son”s headed to Georgia Tech as well. I don’t think he’s even checked his Florida decision yet as he had a late soccer game. I am out of town but just texted to remind him!

She’s got such great opprtunities - why go part way?. Both mine were accepted to UF but if it were Pace, there’s be zero chance of going when you have so many other outstanding opprtunities. Graduating from UF or FSU/USF/UCF likely won’t make a hill of beans in life.

Yes it’s a great school but going to school online (their b school kids do this anyway) vs living in a dorm/eating in a dining hall etc is like night and day when you have other wonderful opportunities to be fully immersed in a campus community and at such fine schools btw. Yes, one can try to make it seem like it’s a full campus experience but that’s a stretch. FSU is wonderful and honors a tough get. Congrats !!!


This was my initial thought, though it’s great to see people open to considering that path. for those heartbroken about Pace, and for you @Thomas_Kelly, there are so many great schools that will love to have you. If this is not the opportunity for you, there are others out there, either that you have gotten into or have not even applied to yet. So many schools are still seeking students. My kid just applied to one more last week.


Does any have the exact link for admitted student tours? What I saw had no availability left on any day but think I was looking at the wrong thing. thx,


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I don’t think they have them posted yet. you might be looking at last years dates. registration opens March 2.


That’s what I thought as well. I did a Google search for UF admitted student tour and I was able to see 2022. I was thinking something would come out this week… thanks for confirming that date, 3/2 would make sense.

Does anyone know when UF offers merit money to those admitted on 2/24?


Congrats! My son was accepted to honors and honors research as well…where do you see the stipend info?

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