University of Florida Class of 2027 Official Thread

Last year it was 2 weeks after decision day. My daughter got honors and URSP too!

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Our son was too and the Admissions Scholarship money was listed in the accepted letter we received yesterday.

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does it mean that i didn’t get any merits if there’s nothing about it in the admission letter?

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Shocking some of the kids that were admitted over others but not unusual as saw this three years ago with my other child
definitely shows that they are numbers focused and don’t take much else into consideration which helps them continue to move up the ranks
it’s a great school but so many others out there so make sure you remind your kids there are many options out there that will be the best fit for them!

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We registered this morning from the regular Admissions/Visits page. There were three tours a day and the first one was for admitted students. It does look like those are all filled up now, but there are Gator Days registrations registrations opening up on March 2nd. I wish we could go to one, but we’re not in Florida at that time

Merit comes out in two weeks


At UF, the PACE program will have your student spending endless hours in front of a computer screen. The FSU Honors program will allow your student to register early for the classes she wants and needs, and with the professors everyone wants, while not being forced to take the profs everyone tries to avoid. The classes can all be in person if she chooses.

Too many students don’t grasp the importance of having access to classes before the rest of the student body at a large and competitive university. My son is in the UF Honors Program and has had a stellar experience because he doesn’t have to worry about his schedule. Your daughter got accepted to the FSU and UCF Honors programs while UF is sticking her in PACE. Love the school that loves you back. She may be disappointed she isn’t a regular admit at her dream school but, just my humble opinion, she will be much happier in the Honors program at a great school like FSU where she won’t be glued to a computer screen and never has to worry about which classes or professors are left that no one wants. It will make the college experience so much more enjoyable. I’ve seen it in my own student and heard the complaints of the kids in PACE.


My son’s high school had students rejected from UF yesterday with 4.5/4.6 w GPA, 35 ACT and loads of volunteer hours and extracurriculars. They were stunned. UF admissions remain the perpetual mystery.


In state or out of state?


In state, which makes it all the more dumbfounding.


Same here. Private college prep high school in Florida. Kids with 4.0 unweighted, lots of AP and honors level classes. EC’s, the school requires 100+ hours of volunteering. 1500+ SAT. UF is very unpredictable.


How did you link to this?

it was on my admissions letter! :slight_smile:

Son Accepted OOS so excited!!
(intended major: CS/Neuroscience)
(also accepted GTech, UVA, UNC)
Stats for future reference:
33 ACT, 4.32 gpa
Worked 2 tech internships, 9 APs/5 Dual Enrollment courses
President DECA/CSC, One Varsity Sport, volunteer/research hrs
His stats are solid but (I think) his research/essays made the difference in his acceptances


Accepted OOS
4.64 W
4.0 UW
28 ACT
Lots of ECs

Honestly shocked but super excited! Did not receive the email.


I think the entire process is unpredictable. My DD got in to UMich COE and now UF, but rejected by UVA and deferred by Tulane. None of it makes sense (maybe yield protection by Tulane). I think something has to change between the common app and test scores being optional. Too many good kids are working so hard and it’s not enough.


UVA has always been very tough OOS. UF has always required test scores. I don’t see a common “fix” or even if a fix is needed. People may need to accept that they aren’t entitled to an acceptance at a competitive school. Every school tells them they look at more than just numbers.

I am surprised at the kids who didn’t get in from my son’s school, but I also know a lot of kids apply there to establish Bright Futures, but a low percentage actually choose to attend.


UVA is a much more difficult admit OOS than UF. That is just one of those that is a crap shoot.


It was under Admissions/Visit/Guided Tours. However, I don’t think there are any available spots now. Might be a waitlist


UF admissions can seem random (and I think it is a bit random at that), but you really can’t tell by looking/comparing uGPA or wGPA. Two factors:

  1. In the state, UF views some High Schools as more rigorous than others. They do consider the HS you attended (and that doesn’t show up in the stats) and the level of competitiveness at that school.

  2. Not all AP/IB/AICE/DE classes have the same level of “rigor”. One student may have gotten an A in an easier AP class, but another that got a A in an AICE/IB class would be viewed as having more “rigor”. Rigor is a critical factor but hard to qualify.

“Rigor” is more important than the standardized test scores (In the CDS info, UF has Rigor as “very important” and test scores as “important”.

So a student with a WGPA of 4.2, at a very competitive Florida HS may get selected over a student with a WGPA of 4.5.

Other factors that are hard to measure are the application essay (UF has it as “very important”). Everyone thinks their essay is good, and maybe it is and the essays cancels each other out, but who knows. :face_with_monocle: