University of Florida Class of 2027 Official Thread

I would do your own research to find out what the bill actually says and means as opposed to what the media narrative is. There are many states and districts that define curriculum, for example, Virginia Democrats just struck down a bill that would add the study of victims of communism to the curriculum. Yet you haven’t heard about that right?


I have a senior at UF and can assure you that you won’t find much in the way of “right wing policies” at UF, or any other university for that matter. You will find, however, plenty of other extremes but that just comes with the territory. The policies being implemented by our governor are nothing like what’s being presented in the media so you shouldn’t be concerned. The media histrionics will eventually abate and UF will continue providing the exceptional education that has made it a top 5 public school. Most students are too busy trying to keep up with the top five rigor to be involved with much ado about nothing. UF will always attract and maintain stellar faculty along with massive funding for their state of the art research. Your open minded and not really political son will love being a student at UF. Mine is similar and the last three years at UF have been the best of his life.


I’ve read the bill in it’s entirety, and I’m an attorney.


Also the Virginia bill was not “struck down” it was just passed over as unnecessary given that this is already taught in schools. That is the big difference. Currently both are taught- the Virginia bill REQUIRED a certain lessons, the Florida bill OUTLAWS certain teaching. Ironic that someone yelling about the dangers of Communism cannot see that very important difference. I do hope this is just politics and the good teachers at UF will continue to teach actual history, no matter how ugly. Whether involving racism or communism. And I doubt that there are no politically active kids at UF that are “too busy with their top 5” courseload, kids at rigorous colleges have found the time to lead the way on many social justice issues with throughout history. Thank you all for your thoughts, not meant to hijack this celebratory board. I guess we will visit, ask questions, and decide for ourselves whether this is a risk we are willing to take.


Then you need to have a more serious discussion with your son about the parts of 999 that you find to be offensive and why he shouldn’t attend UF. We are having the same discussions with my daughter about highly ranked schools that took and continue to mandate draconian measures during the pandemic. Regardless of which way you skew politically, our kids need to learn to live in a world of differences. Just my two cents. Also there is a politics forum on this website.


I don’t think the majority of people on this list are concerned about the State of Florida’s political actions. Bill 999 and other recent actions are out there, people know about them, and there are still thousands of applications to UF (and the other schools) from instate and OOS students. UF is just plowing ahead with business as usual. It’s a (more) liberal school in a conservative state. That’s not going to change. UF grads get jobs, get into grad schools, work for the state or federal government, etc., just like they always did.

It’s really no different that other schools in conservative states. Texas, Ohio, Alabama all deal with conservative governors and their schools just plug along.

The opposite also happens where very conservative students attend attend school in very liberal states, and they deal with it.


We are very concerned about what is going on in FL right now with our public universities. My son was accepted in-state to UF, and it is obviously (currently) a great school, but this will certainly be a major factor in our decision.


Does anyone know when UF announces their admittance days? I’m assuming they’ll be in March and April.


I’m thinking maybe tomorrow? Last year it was the Wednesday after decisions were released.


UF students organized a walk out and protest of the very legislation you are referencing. I believe it was last Thursday. My gator happened to be at Turlington for the rally and said there were less than 100 in attendance. I asked him why so few turned out and he said everyone is just too busy with classes. But maybe they just don’t care all that much. I don’t see it as an issue of social justice given our governor recently won reelection by 20 points, but your mileage may vary. As a previous poster said, you and your student need to decide what’s in the best interests of your student. Whatever choice you make, you have to love a system that provides so many options.


There isn’t a time set for Florida Days to be released yet. We will send an email saying the sign up is available as soon as we are ready for that to happen. They are late March/April timeframe.


Would anyone provide maybe some insight on the effects on job placement and quality of education by HB 999? I’ve looked into it, and I’m not a fan. Even If the bill passes, I do believe that University of Florida should be able to maintain it’s autonomy and freedom much like UT Austin, but I would like to know what other people have to say.


I would highly recommend those who live in Florida, and care about public post-secondary education, contact their representatives and voice their displeasure with the bill.


Floridian here. The problem is most reps are Republican. They won’t listen to moderates or liberals.


Exactly! I’m an attorney too and read the bill. If you are NOT inclined to be led and gladly follow, you can read the bill and see for yourself. If you need your friends and the media to tell you want is in the bill, that’s a different story.
I personally like to read and decide for myself what is actually in it and I find it concerning as well, but my kid is wrapping up next year, so hopefully the chaos will be behind us until my last one starts in a couple years.


Floridian here too. That’s how we do it here. Control Disney, control what is taught, what is read, and now take over universities.


And put a Moms of Liberty person on every board, including the new Disney board.

I’ll add- that I admittedly don’t know this person’s qualifications for serving on a board governing a multi billion dollar enterprise. But for the governor, that one thing seems to matter…

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Rejected OOS (summer term)
8 APs, 7 Honors, 8 DE
29 ACT not super scored (34 English 29 Reading 29 Science 24 Math)
6.4/7 W GPA
15 Years of Dance (7 Years Competition Team) won awards + scholarships
Member of 4 Honors Societies (had to apply for all)
Creator/President of a club
VP of another club
Member of 2 other clubs
AP Scholar Award
Honor Roll all 4 years
Countless volunteer hours
From a very competitive public high school :frowning:

So sorry. You have very strong stats so I am sure you will end up somewhere wonderful in the end. Good Luck on your other college apps!!! :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:

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Curious about when someone lists APs on the CC stats. Are these already completed in junior year or including the ones about to be finished the senior year.

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