University of Florida Class of 2027 Official Thread

I got two emails today! One was the general email with no “welcome” or “go gators” or anything exciting/revealing. The second email was headlined “Welcome to UF,” read “Welcome to the University of Florida,” instructed me to create a Gator Link with a UF email, and concluded with “Go Gators!” Does this mean I’m in???

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I checked my daughter’s acceptance to UFL in 2018. She received these same emails on 2/13 the day before she received her acceptance to UFL on 2/14. I am not sure if anyone received these emails and did not get in. I only know my daughter experience.


I find it odd that both UF and FSU erroneously send welcome emails the same morning?


Since FSU released some random emails this am as well- I think the FL systems were hacked. I think if you got an email your likely accepted. I also think of you didn’t get an email- it does not mean you were not accepted. Just that the hack may have only glitches to send some out. Hang in there everyone! :slight_smile: this is all just my guess because it’s the only thing that makes any sense!

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I do not think these email are an error unless the error occurred in 2018 as well. My daughter received these same emails the day before she was accepted in 2018. So look out for another email tomorrow if UF follows their acceptance emails in 2018. My daughter was happy that she received her acceptance on Valentine’s Day.


Well this does not feel good at all for a kid who did not get one. What a mess.


Did anyone who received one of these emails not apply to the Honors College? Just tying to see if that was the source and maybe why so many may not have received them

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For anyone just now joining the thread, @Melissa96 who posted above works for UF admissions and has stated that these emails are not indicative of acceptance (to UF or to the honors program), as they haven’t made these decisions yet.

We received these emails as well. It’s an unfortunate situation, as I’m sure many students will believe they got in due to the subject line “Welcome to UF!”

Maybe it’s a certain major/majors

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My son ap physics 2 class, 4 kids got the Email.

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They cannot possibly say in one breath “We don’t know how this happened” and in the other say it’s not indicative of acceptance. Can’t know one without the other. It’s the government’s bureaucratic way of shutting people up.

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Okay, it doesn’t look like our issue had anything to do with FSU’s issue - it is just the most bizarre coincidence that it happened on the same day. Everyone who received an email will get a new one from us (I expect it today).

I’d like to reiterate - receiving an email or not has no impact on what the decision will be on Feb 24th. This was a whole lot of stress that no one needed but especially not the applicants.


True or not…no one will believe this statement. I don’t doubt you were told this is true.

Thank you for the update!

FSU is denying the “unfortunate” situation as well. The only thing unfortunate here is that it’s what they have to say. The wording is exactly what my gator received in 2020 after his acceptance. I can’t imagine anyone receiving this email will be declined admissions in a week. If this was the case, the university would have already sent another communication to each recipient explaining the situation. Maybe it will come later. FSU is simply going to release decisions this afternoon and quit answering the phones.

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What will the new email say? That it was a mistake? Will students who did not get a welcome email get one reassuring them that every applicant is still in the running for a spot even if they didn’t get the mistake welcome email? Yikes!


A number of schools have had technical issues this year: sending out emails in error, or too early, etc. In all of those cases I’ve seen, these threads have just been full of parents and students speculating about what the emails might mean; in some cases, for days. In this case, we have someone here who works in admissions telling us what these emails DON’T mean, so we don’t have to speculate. Hopefully an official email will go out soon to clarify for the many students who aren’t reading this thread.


There is not going to be a new email. They are not going to notify those they already told got in because they’re in. Accepted. The “official” word from UF is an official lie. The only people that will be upset are those that didn’t get in and UF doesn’t care about those people. They are not going to stress out those they’ve already accepted because they’re accepted.

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According to my daughter who received these emails in 2018, over the next few days she received her dorm email then her acceptance email. She remembers many of her classmates getting similar emails though later in the week and all before the Feb 24th decision date. So I do not think it is bad if you did not get an email today. I would be on the lookout though because you should be emailed something in the next few days.