University of Florida Class of 2027 Official Thread

Our DS applied to FSU and UF. He did not receive an email from either school. He was accepted at FSU and several others. W GPA 4.5, several AP, many EC, sport captain 2 years, 100+ volunteer hours, 3 years of employment. Tell your son to have hope. No one can know for sure until Friday. Good luck to all!


Canā€™t wait to see where they both land!

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Congrats to your son on FSU!


Can you tell us how many applicants received the first two letters that UFit had to send the third letter to?


ā€¦in your dreams she will tell you ā€¦ did you watch ā€œThe Last of Usā€? Iā€™m feeling like a zombie till next Fridayā€¦ Good luck to all zombies feeling the same hereā€¦ we need to wait, there is no short cutā€¦unfortunatelyā€¦Lucky those who got the ā€œAstrologicalā€ email ā€¦for sure most of those are in ā€¦

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An email tech issue happened in 2018 as well with another university. While it is true, all the students who were emailed were accepted, many students who were NOT emailed were accepted as well. I know it is hard but I hope you and your son are happily surprised when decisions FINALLY come out!!! Sometimes because of major, honors or other criteria emails are just not in the right place yet. GOOD LUCK!!!


An email tech issue happened in 2018 as well with another university. While it is true, all the students who were emailed were accepted, many students who were NOT emailed were accepted as well. I know it is hard but I hope you and your son are happily surprised when decisions FINALLY come out!!! Sometimes because of major, honors or other criteria emails are just not in the right place yet. GOOD LUCK!!!

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THANK YOU! We are OOS so we already know it is going to be a challenge for acceptance. My son is a lifelong Gator fan (born at UF Shands on Homecoming!) He has worked really hard and has some great other acceptances fortunately. This is last one he is waiting on. We will just have to patiently (and painfully) wait like everyone else until next Friday!


The main issue for me is why some people had the privilege to receive the Early Acceptance first than others?! Of course someone found out about the ā€œIssueā€ and stopped the process of sending those emails. Iā€™m sure there are a batch of students who did not get the email and eventually will be accepted. I believe most of the batch will turn out to have more false-positives than false-negatives.

ā€¦ Thank you all for my therapy of the day! I had to cry out loud again todayā€¦ā€¦ :frowning:



It is interesting that they clearly know who the email was sent to as they later send a third email to those same students. There must have been some ā€œlistā€ that separated that group from the others and it wasnā€™t as random as they were claiming. How would the IT have a ā€œlistā€ of students to send the email to if it had nothing to do with admissions?
The admissions department said that some students who got the email will be rejected! How do they know that???
It would be nice to know a little more information - but it doesnā€™t appear like we are going to get any details and it will just be a long stressful week for all these seniors.


Someone above posted thisā€¦

Moments ago email received

Earlier today, you received an email requesting you set up a Gatorlink account. The message was sent in error. We apologize for any confusion and kindly ask that you disregard the email.

Office of Admissions
University of Florida

ā€¦They apologize about a mistake for setting up the Gatorlink accountā€¦They did not say the ā€œearly acceptanceā€ was wrong or not on the tableā€¦and of course they will say some students on that list will be rejected. All part of the theatrical play. We will never know!!

I find it hard to believe that nearly all their 15K admits (~12K early?) would have received this email. At that scale, it would have made national headlines. The more likely scenario is that it was a test of some sort and a sample of emails in their applicant pool was used for whatever reason. That explains why some will likely recieve a denial notification even after receiving the email in error.

Every applicant to UF provides an email that IT has access to. It would be very easy to randomly sample that applicant pool to do a test. It was over a week out from decision day.

These unforced errors are becoming more commonplace as universities roll-out their acceptances in mass. To do that requires a lot of coordination across multiple departments and systems. Testing is a part of the process and from what I can tell someone used a list that was not necessarily the ā€œadmitā€ list.


The thin v thick envelope days were much easier!


I hope he has a Happy Friday next week!!! My son applied to 7 colleges with no favorite. Thank God! Accepted to two great options so far and looking forward to see what happens next week. Though it will be a long wait for some of the others (Late March - Early April).


No one on campus knows the decisions except for admissions - in part because we are still working on them - sincerely we do not share information with campus in part to prevent things like this. Other departments were doing some testing and because it was just test - added some decisions to make sure things were functioning properly for them and then the worst case scenario happened.

This is why I could definitively say from the beginning that the emails have nothing to do with actual decisions - because no one else has our information.


It is really good to like all of the schools on the list. I toured a school with my child in the Fall. They said - Sorry Mom, this campus seems really cool. I said 1. You donā€™t have to be sorry, the goal is to have options so now we know this is one and 2. Youā€™ve very familiar will one university of course looking at others is going to feel different.


I got the disregard email saying ā€œEarlier today, you received an emailā€¦ā€ but I did not get the first 2 emails - the welcome or set up Gatorlink ones.


This may sound like a dumb question but when you are referring to how many AP classes your student has taken are you counting what they are taking as a senior as well?

Hmm this worries me as I didnā€™t receive any of the three emails. Iā€™m hoping this doesnā€™t mean rejection.

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Any chance the decisions will be out before Friday of next week?


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