<p>"Flboy, I must commend your writing and debate skills - impeccable use of phrasing and grammar. Bravo!"</p>
<p>I didnt know college level students deserved a standing ovation for such elementary objectives.</p>
<p>"Flboy, I must commend your writing and debate skills - impeccable use of phrasing and grammar. Bravo!"</p>
<p>I didnt know college level students deserved a standing ovation for such elementary objectives.</p>
<p>Well, considering your posts (and others), some praise should be given to those who can write correctly, concisely, and with style.</p>
<p>Oboesmrtguy40, what I am arguing for involves the rights of individuals -- something I think African Americans should know a little something about. African Americans have fought hard for and won equal rights under law. That was a good thing—a very good thing. But how is it reasonable that that victory extends to usurping the rights of others? We’re not talking about giving blacks “a slight edge”; we’re talking about something like a 200-point edge on SATs and who knows how much advantage on GPA. I am absolutely for fair and equal treatment for all. But I strongly oppose most affirmative action initiatives, including this one. I will agree that there was a period of time when affirmative action was fair and reasonable. That time has passed.</p>
<p>Surprisingly to you maybe, I like debate. It consists of statistics, emotional appeal, evidenciary support. Not ad hominem, which clearly belies some incapabilities at debate. Some of you have obviously done your research and have knowledge about this topic.</p>
<p>Yet, others, I don't even take seriously due to their own indecisiveness about said topic. He refutes the argument that fairness should be the primary consideration vehemently stating that it's alright for race or diversity to be a factor in the admissions process. And a few days ago, he says, "that's the problem with UF, they accept too many people to make room for diversified students, rather than those who worked harder to get there". Mmm... am I wrong if I am wary of a person arguing for a topic when they're indecisive about the topic itself? I'm sorry if I don't take you very seriously.</p>
<p>Once again, FLBoy is against all disadvantaged persons except himself. He's apparently the exception. Remember my "huge advantage" from my "faked disability?" I'm proof that the disability box doesn't give anybody an edge, as you said before.</p>
<p>If you want fair and equal treatment for all in education FLBoy, you should be focusing your efforts on the improvement of K-12 schools in low income areas, which are underfunded because of their low FCAT scores. Affirmative action exists because of this situation. Once we improve the K-12 schools, then I will consider changing my stance on AA.</p>
<p>for the last time, where do you people get off saying SATs are the only thing that makes people qualified? and if you arent saying that, then you really do not have an argument? how do you know these minorities are not qualified in other ways besides SATs, NOT dealing with their skin color? stop putting words in my mouth.</p>
<p>im not indecisive about anything dealing with this topic. that statement you quoted me on clearly proves my disbelief in affirmative action....when i say work harder to get to UF, that does not only mean SAT scores....people can qualify in other ways...you're just mad and ignorant.</p>
<p>and the last time i checked, this is not an English course, therefore i dont have to use proper grammar. i have a 1420 on SATs, i think i know proper grammar and it is my choice whether i use it or not. this OBVIOUSLY isnt something i care enough about to use proper grammar.</p>