University of Georgia Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Thank you!

Looking at the blog about GPA, I’m interested in how they will recalculate my daughter’s. She is homeschooled, so all of her courses for junior and senior year were/are dual enrollment courses at the local university. She has one online course through the state’s virtual school, but the rest are college courses. Anyone have insight into how they would calculate her grades?

will Honors College decisions come out at the same time as EA decisions this month? seems like the Honors College at UGA has gotten very competitive- anyone know much about it?

They will not add anything for dual enrollment. They will just use her grades on her college transcript without adding any extra points or weight.

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There will be some honors college admissions when acceptances go out. These kids will be auto admitted to the honors college. It will be only the very strongest applicants. Any student can apply to be in the honors college which is a separate application with essays etc. due in February. It is still a very small percentage of applicants even with super strong stats. You need a very high UGA GPA above the 75th percentile (same with test scores) plus a strong rĂ©sumĂ©. I’ve been told that they give a lot of weight to leadership.

does it make a big difference in terms of acceptance chances which school at UGA one applies to? Specifically, my daughter applied as a poly sci major, which means to the School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA). Does this make it a more competitive endeavor for her?

If it matters, her stats are:

OOS (NJ). white, Jewish, she/her, not 1st gen.
public high school, highly ranked, no class rank.
4.0 UW GPA.
rigorous classes. 3 AP’s Junior year, 3 more now as senior. all honors classes.
1530 SAT
varsity sport captain. some club leadership positions. class rep. but no mind-blowing EC’s.
solid essay, I think?
I suspect good LOR’s from 2 teachers and guidance counselor. she is well-liked.

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No difference at all. They answer this question all the time I r the comments of the admissions blog. You can change your major immediately so major is not a factor. Good luck!

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It’s going to be more competitive in general for OOS applicants this year at UGA (major is not factored). Their admission blog explains it well. Her Number of AP classes are on the low end of accepted students and will weigh down her UGA GPA against other similar applicants. I would say she will likely get in but may get deferred EA and then hopefully accepted RD. Good luck!

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David Graves addressed this in a recent comment to the blog. OOS yield is about a third of in state yield. Even though they will consider residency this year more than in the past, last year OOS stats were the same as in state. With a lower yield they will have to accept a lot more OOS kids than will enroll to hit their target (OOS yield is about 20 percent).

He also explains in the comments the 4 groups of applicants and how they are handled. This was a blog post last year. Very high stat, admitted on academics alone. Slightly below - admitted on academics and co curricular stuff (essays, ECs) - so they read these apps cover to cover. Same with the 3rd group, slightly below the other two. These get deferred- might be the case here since only 2 APs taken and they may want to see how they do on the 3 others in the fall. 4th group denied as not academically competitive.

Two years ago my son got in early action with basically the same stats as @billythegoldfish child. He had only taken two APs the end of junior year with a total of six. His school doesn’t offer a ton so he was still in the top of his class. 35 ACT so test score slightly higher. At a competitive private school with which the admissions department is very familiar. Frankly, it could’ve gone either way. Pretty sure he fell into the second group where they looked over his entire application which was otherwise strong and very good essays.


Earlier in the day on the day the first round of admissions were released for Fall 2021, David Graves posted the stats of the group accepted. I was able to calculate D21’s UGA GPA, look at average scores, etc. and predict that she was going to get accepted (didn’t say anything to her, of course). IMO, David Graves runs the most transparent admissions and the transparency brings the stress level down. I wish the other schools would do things the Graves way (Hey there, UT Austin).


The Blog outlines the mid-ranges for the EA pool. Any thoughts on if most early admits will exceed these ranges or if a good number will fall within them?

Anyone know about the UGA GPA treatment for the following?

  • AP Capstone Seminar
  • AP Computer Science Principles
  • AP Chemistry, where you have 2 grades on your transcript for the class- lecture and lab

Many will exceed the range provided in the pool but some will be in the upper end. If you look at the EA statistics from last year, this should give you some idea although this year may be higher if the applicant pool is stronger. For example, average UGA GPA admitted EA last year was over 4.2 which is at the 75th percentile of the early applicant pool. 25% of EA admits had a UGA GPA over 4.35. Be sure to read the blog post on how to calculate a UGA GPA. It is different from the GPA on your transcript and almost always lower. They use core classes only, and no extra weight is added for dual enrollment classes or honors classes. Also, they only consider English and Math ACT. Finally, the AP count is through senior year. Of course, the UGA GPA only adds weight for classes that have been completed so no extra weight for senior APs but it does explain the high number of APs taken. 2022 EA Decisions and Data - UGA Undergraduate Admissions


The best thing to do would be to ask this question on the comments to the UGA admissions blog. You can do it anonymously. You will have an answer by the end of the day from David Graves who writes the blog. Computer science principles is counted as a science but not sure about the others. My guess is chemistry only adds one point despite the two classes because most schools don’t separate the two. He will give you the answer though!

Also, the capstone seminar sounds like a senior class so that would generally not be included in the UGA GPA unless you apply regular decision and have received a grade in it when you apply. Even if you are deferred and submit your transcript for your fall grades they do not re-calculate your UGA GPA. It is calculated upon application submission based on grades received.

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Thank you! That’s a good idea! It doesn’t really matter at this point, just curious. We’ll know soon enough! Seminar is actually a junior class, the capstone program is a 2-class series with seminar junior year and research senior. It’s a great class that provides excellent skills to prepare a student for college. That’s what I figured about the lab too. Even things that seem simple can be complex!

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Has anyone heard when they plan to release EA decisions?

Friday at 4.

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I wonder how many honors college acceptances they will hand out with this EA wave

I can’t answer your question, but can share our experience two years ago
 an observation from one GA high school so take it for what it’s worth. The only kids to get auto-admit to Honors had SATs of 1550 or higher. Kids with higher GPAs but lower standardized test scores were not so had to complete the Honors application if interested. Auto-acceptance seemed very stat driven.

ETA: My high GPA kid had a 1510 SAT and was not auto-admit to Honors. She did apply and was accepted later.


We were a high stat kid but with a 32 ACT. In early action but not Honors.

My daughter applied with stats beneath what they say the class has - and was admitted.

So I imagine you are correct - up front admissions are sparse but it’s certainly doable in the secondary round.