University of Georgia Early Action for Fall 2023 Admission

Dr. Graves mentioned that only 9% of admitted students have a core gpa of b and lower, does that mean someone is basically auto-denied if they have a b gpa? (i suppose those get admitted with a b gpa either solves cancer or will play football).

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Be sure you have calculated the UGA GPA. When he refers to GPAs that is what he is referring to. If this year is like past years, there will be a group of very high stats kids admitted solely on academics without further review. Likewise, there will be a group of applicants that are not competitive academically that will be denied based on academics without further review. From what I understand, they will not read all EA applications (full review focuses on those in the middle) and do have GPA cut offs below which they are not considered. Where that cut off is I don’t know.

Here is the admitted student EA profile from last year. With applications up, this years may be slightly higher but it is a good starting point to figure out your student’s chances. 2022 EA Decisions and Data - UGA Undergraduate Admissions


I’m going to be a nervous wreck for my kiddo all week until Friday. She has a 3.78 GPA before UGA’s recalculations
afterwards using english/math/history/science/foreign language she has a 3.52 or so
she has no AP or IB courses as all of her courses are dual enrollment. Since we homeschool, all of her DE courses have counted for her HS courses. Her SAT scores are not great. She has an 1130 for her first test with no studying
 the second score was a 1080 after studying all summer long, so her super score is an 1140. She was super bummed about dropping her SAT score so much after studying for months as she knows that is not going to help at competitive schools like UGA ( her top choice). Looking at last year’s stats, it is quite the bummer to see that she might not get in even with all of her DE courses and a great GPA. She currently has a 4.0 at Clayton State this semester and made the Dean’s List back in the spring for having a 3.85 GPA there. I just don’t know if it is enough for UGA. She’s already gotten accepted to two schools ( one being her #2 choice), but she’s holding out for UGA on Friday.

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It is nerve-wracking! One thing I learned last year when my daughter was applying to GA schools is that they look at a lot more than just grades and test scores. We live in a rural area and both UGA and GT were looking to increase geographic diversity. My dd was admitted EA to both schools, but she knows kids with higher scores and more rigor who were not admitted. My son is anxiously awaiting for Friday’s results. His scores and rigor are not as high as his sister’s, but he has incredible extra-curricular activities along with leadership. In addition, UGA has many more female students then male, so that may be positive. Good Luck!


my daughter has a UGA calculated gpa of 4.19 but her SAT is 1080 (ugh). She has strong extracurriculars and leadership roles. She jokes that she is anxiously awaiting her first rejection tomorrow. haha. it is okay because she knows it’s a long shot and she know she probably won’t get in but she decided to give it a shot anyway. She is out of state also.


does oos even play that big of role? I know that Dr. Graves has said he tries to maintain a 80;20 ratio but then most kids that apply to UGA is from GA, it does not attract OOS applicants the same way GT does

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I have been told that UGA takes care of its residents first. It is def harder to get in OOS.

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I believe in one of his blog posts Dr. Graves mentioned that the yield for in state is something like 52 enrolled students for every 100 accepted students while the yield for OOS is something like 19 for every 100 students.


That has not been the case historically. Until a year or two ago, UGA did not consider residency at all. Even last year where residency was considered a little bit as a tiebreaker, the stats for in-state and out-of-state were the same. This is the first year the admissions office has said they may consider residency as a factor. Some of that I am sure is the fact that the out of state yield was higher last year than in the past. But David Graves said in one of the blog posts that even last year stats for in-state and out-of-state were the same , so not more difficult to get in out of state until perhaps this year.

UGA is a challenging admit even in-state, particularly if you are from a more populated area. Average GPA well over a 4.0, average number of APs 10+ average ACT 32+.


It’s such a challenging admit! We’re on pins and needles waiting for tomorrow!


3.7 UW / 4.23 W
OOS Engineering
1250 SAT
16 Honors Classes / No APs
Kick A** Essays

My only hope is that they actually read my essays and forget about my vitals or they press the wrong button :slight_smile:

Good luck to all!!

We are OOS and beyond anxious as well! Our realistic goal is a deferral at this point, at least a chance to post mid-year grades for consideration. I literally keep reading my daughter’s essays over and over hoping the AOs will read them. I just don’t know if they do only an academic review for early action; if so, then we may not even have a chance at a defer.

Have you considered Auburn? They have a strong engineering school and are way up there on my kids list if he does not get into Ga Tech.


I second Auburn! Honestly, probably the most impressive college tour we did for my dd (now at GT). If it wasn’t OOS, might have been her 1st choice! They gave a very generous scholarship just based on grades/scores.


Good to know. On paper it looks like a great fit for my kid. Great size, everyone we know that goes there loves it, and engineering is top notch. He got the presidential scholarship as auto merit. Not sure what else is out there. My GT kid has worked with Auburn engineers at every internship he has had. Nice to have such a good option in the pocket! If we don’t hear positive news from GT on December 9 we will definitely visit!


My daughter is an OS applicant hoping to major in nursing. After reading the previous posts it sounds like many OS applicants may be disappointed tomorrow. I feel like her stats are pretty strong 4.0 weighted 33 ACT (35 Math), varsity athlete, two nursing internships, lots of cs work. Previous years she is admitted — sounds like much tougher this year. :no_mouth:

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I don’t believe UGA has a nursing major.


How are you weighting the 4. Are you giving points for Honors and AP? A typical weighted 4 (.5 Honors, 1 for AP) will be lower in UGAs calculation. and a 4 last year was the 25th percentile. Hope you get in but it will be tough.

For nursing, should you graduate UGA here would be in state options 
see the link
.and yes further schooling. So maybe a rejection will do you a favor so you can focus on nursing programs vs letting the pull of a school you like override what you want to do.

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Yes. Very important clarification. You cannot graduate with a nursing degree from UGA. It is not offered. Not sure why you would choose to pay out of state tuition at UGA to get a pre-nursing degree that would require a masters before you could practice nursing. Definitely something to understand before choosing UGA.

I’m hoping her recommendation letters helped. One was from her choir teacher that is a UGA Alum and one was from one of our best friends that is a UGA phD Alum.
She is a Bio major so she was very particular about which schools she applied to as she is not pre-med in any way.

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