University of Mary Washington

Does anyone have any information on their nursing program? I was told its just starting out as a 1+2+1 program where you take classes at mary washington for a year then take two years of nursing an a community college associated with the school then take one last year of classes to complete your bsn however since the program is new they have little information on their website about whether its direct entry in the sense that i dont have to apply into the community college classes after my freshman year. From what i can tell you gain admittance into the program when you first apply as a freshman but i am not 100% certain, does anyone have any more information? and is it worth it to do this kind of program versus a typical direct admit program?

There are very few direct entry nursing programs south of Pennsylvania. Therefore, if you want to stay in your home state or your local area, this may be a reasonable choice, because of lack of other choices. Most colleges will quickly answer emails with questions from prospective students. I’d direct them to the nursing department, with a copy to the admissions office.