University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Early Action for Fall 2023

Well, at least you got to a right person; in my son’s case, they simply told “Its still in review” and could not say when a decision could be made.

Did you call or email? Calling is better. Try to reach your local admissions rep. Even if they say “still in review”, the critical question to ask is: “is it being treated as an EA application?” That’s important because 95% of the class is filled via EA, so if you get pushed to RD your chances drop drastically.


FYI for all admitted students and parents here…

@sl4122 who is a current senior at UMD has kindly offered to share her experiences and help answer any questions about the university and its programs. She is a Computer Science major.

Please visit her thread here:


If it was me, I would go for the in-state tuition. UMD has a very reputable computer science program. But it’s not me so… I would take a look at the outcomes of each school to see whether they are comparable in terms of job placement and salaries. That would be one way I would assess the worthiness of each school. I would also consider whether you want to be able to get to your son quickly in case of an emergency. It is very convenient to be close to home when attending college, and many kids quickly realize this once they go. It’s nice not having to fly home or take a long car ride every time they want to come home.

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My daughter was admitted to the College of Letters and Sciences but hopes to get into college of Math, Computer Science sophomore year. I see there’s a specific tour on an April 3 for admitted students in the Computer Science school. Do you think it would be possible to attend? The registration asks major so wasn’t sure.

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I am not aware of that specific tour. Can you share the link for the benefit of others here please?
Best to write and ask if you can attend the tour as a non direct admit.


financial aid question here. did anyone who filed fafsa and apply for financial aid see their fafsa marked as received on the finaid portal? i sent mine ages ago and they said they haven’t received it. is this because it says fall 2022?


The tour was listed on the UMD website calendar. I’ve emailed the school and will post once I’ve heard back.

I want to say something about tours, etc. I see many parents (esp on Facebook groups) completely confused and/or upset about tour options, options to view a specific department, etc. I think UMD is a wonderful school, BUT, in all honesty, you aren’t going to get a lot of personalized attention at these things. The school is just too big for that. Even the “small” groups at orientation were very big. You might not even see any staff from your child’s specific major; if you are lucky they may have a student in that major speak, or perhaps a TA from the entire department. If no tour options work out for you or will be too costly with travel expenses- do not fret. You can always try to do a self-tour on your own time, using the app, or if your student really wants to get a personalized conversation going about a specific major, I suggest making either a discord or reddit thread about it, because that’s where most of the students hang out, especial CS students. You will learn FAR more that way than any official basic info you’ll get on a crowded tour. JMHO.


Banneker Key invites are out!


How do u see?

My D23 received an email this afternoon.


Thanks good to know
it was a long shot but nothing here


They may come out in batches instead of all at once–just don’t know.

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Good advice.

Also admitted CS students can keep an eye out or request chance to meet with current CS student ambassadors, according to

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Banner Key invites only go to those kids invited to Honors. All other kids are eligible for other merit scholarships and in the past, the school has notified on the last Friday of Feb those who will receive other scholarships/merit.

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DC invited to honors but I don’t think they received B-K email (child doesn’t always check email). The website says something about FASFA even though B-K is merit aid. We didn’t complete a FASFA. Was that a mistake?

B/K is merit based so you won’t be affected by not having filed FAFSA. B/K scholarships are extremely competitive and most honors invitees don’t get a B/K invite. Other merit scholarships will be awarded at end of Feb/early March.


Just FYI I have a son who is currently a sophomore in the Smith School of Business if anyone has any questions. He has a lot of friends in CS as well. I am also an alumna (Math) and so is my husband (Finance).


Good to know. Our older child received a President’s scholarship which covered as much as classmates who received a partial B-K. We submitted FASFA for the older child but didn’t get need-based aid anywhere. This time around, the EFC calculator said DC wouldn’t receive need-based aid, so we didn’t bother.