University of Miami EA Class of 2025

did it come out on a Saturday last year?

for what its worth - U Michigan just released

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Yeah- I got deferred there lol. At least they released unlike MIAMI


are we thinking 4?

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Ive heard rumors that it is 5 but those may be false

where did you hear?

UNC was 3:45 - not that it means anything…lol

My friend who also applied told me that her counselor was saying it would be 5

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there are no rumors – admission offices do not give that out over phone…so any rumor is just a “feel”

I agree, Ive learned that they will come out when the school feels like sending them and the rumors most of the time only lead to stress and nothing else

I think the rumor is 5 since the office closes then

ha - all offices close at 5pm – most schools try to get as close as possible so they don’t get overun with calls…its “send it out and close up the office, quick!!” lol …


Didn’t some scholarship people say that they would get those results by the end of January? So they have to release decisions today? I doubt they would do so on the weekend

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its almost 4 it might be soon

Yes whenever I sent it end the exact wording was “ If selected to receive a Premier Scholarship, you will be notified by the end of January.”

I just need them to release bc I have a final to take before 11:59 but this decision won’t let me concentrate


this is ridiculous. there’s no way they’re not done reviewing the applications by now so at this point they’re purposely withholding sending the decisions out.