University of Miami - Early Action Decisions/When do we find out?!?!?!?!

no ones heard back yet?

@dirtysprite2 nope

it is usually the last week of January on a Friday.

Supposedly it was January 20th…

I researched through some of the EA threads from last year for Miami, and they were all on average the first week of February :confused: but crossing my fingers for next week because I’m getting anxious!

did anyone hear from the singer-stamps thing?

anyone think we’ll hear back tomorrow as its a Friday and towards the end of January?

@purpleturtle1013 end of January

Has anyone heard of new information regarding decisions?

Are they still sending emails for the singers/stamps invite?

I am guessing next Friday. Last year they started letting people know Jan. 26th and that was admissions decisions plus merit aid. Good luck all. Sounds like a pretty accomplished group of applicants :slight_smile:

My son graduated from Miami and I have another that is currently a student. I also have one waiting to hear EA. I think if they are really interested in attending a particular school they should do EA. It shows the school that they are serious and really do want to go there - as opposed to just applying as a back up school. Definitely do EA.

Okay guise: I’m super nervous about this. So nervous. Stats:

1980 SAT, 2020 SuperScore
29 ACT, 34 Writing
GPA 97.6 out of 100
All Honors and AP Courseload (10 APs, 2 enrolled currently)

Design Editor In Chief of Yearbook
Thespian Society Board Member
All-State Cast Member and Honor Thespian
Founder of Reading Bowl Team
GA Governor’s Honors Program Participant
AP Scholar w Distinction
Varsity Cheerleader for 2 years
National Honor Society
Part-Time Tutor at Kumon

chances? I’m freaking out bc my rank is top 15%, not 10, and the admit stats mentioned that.

Anxiety on fleek rn. Ahhhhhh!

@cheylovemami You’ll get in

Does anyone know if when we’ll hear about merit aid and scholarships? Do we find out at the same time as our EA decisions, or later…?

Same question as above - will we find out about financial aid at the same time as admissions?

@hokiepokie2121, @cschase - yes, my son applied EA a couple of years ago and received both at the same time. I wouldn’t expect it to have changed.

Has anyone heard updates from admissions for when decisions will be released?

I just got the email for the singer and stamps weekend, so i think they’re still sending those out first

@dirtysprite2 Congratulations! Did you get the email today and would you mind sharing what dates the interviews are scheduled for?