Early Action Decision Date / Chance

<p>Hey Everybody - For all of the Early Action Applicants - Have any of you heard when decisions will be realeased? On myUM, it ORIGINALLY said you'll have a decision BY FEBRUARY 1. Now, it says everyone will be notified by early February. Anyone hear anything else? Hopefully earlier??</p>

<p>I applied in the second week of September - Chances?</p>

<p>ACT - 29
GPA - 3.75
Senior Year Course Load - 4 APs, 1 Honors
Extracurriculars - Great (Philanthropy/Sports/Art/Music/Peer Leadership/NHS)</p>

<p>Good Luck Everyone!!</p>

<p>I emailed admissions a week or so ago, asking when we’d hear back and if there was a chance that we’d hear back a little earlier than they posted, since I’ve heard back from some of my schools up to 6 weeks before their posted “receive-by” date. This was the response:</p>

<p>“Your early action application is complete and as an early action candidate you will receive your decision notification by February 1. Best of luck in your application process.”</p>

<p>In a later correspondence they told me that they mailed them all at once, so they’ll be released in the last few days of this month in order to arrive on Feb 1. That means it could be up online before Feb 1.</p>

<p>Last year the official date was also Feb 1st and many many EA applicants received their decisions on January 28th.</p>

<p>@outtobreakfast - I believe you will borderline for acceptance with the information you provided. Was the gpa weighted or unweighted? Any APs from soph or junior years? How were your AP scores? Did you visit the university? Is UM your dream school or do you think it is a stretch?

<p>for early decision they posted the decision a week early. they will probably do the same for early action</p>

<p>A heads up if you’re looking for information: CALL admissions, don’t email, especially if it’s a general question that you want an answer to which isn’t generally published. If you ask a general question to the email, you’ll just get a student assistant from the admission office answering it who really doesn’t know anything that you can’t find online or hear from another student. If you have a specific question that they don’t know the answer to, they’ll forward it to an admissions officer who can answer it, but otherwise it just goes through that student.</p>

<p>To the OP, if your GPA is UW I think you’re in, but depending on those things Zinc mentioned above, it could vary with recs and essay and stuff, too.</p>

<p>GPA Weighted is 3.75</p>

<p>GPA Unweighted is a 3.65</p>

<p>I have a family member who graduated from UM!</p>

<p>I have visited! It is beautiful.</p>

<p>I thought my essays were pretty good!</p>

<p>Thanks for the help everyone! Good Luck to everyone applying!</p>

<p>You had a good chance when I first looked at you stats, but since you have a legacy, I think you have a great chance of getting in. I’ve heard that they are big on legacy this year. Hopefully that person was a parent though…
Anyway, best of luck!</p>

<p>Some people are referencing letters, others are referencing the decisions being posted… which leaves me wondering, are decisions mailed out physically or posted on myUM? Or both?</p>

<p>Last year it was available on MyUM!</p>

<p>It is posted on myUM and then 2 to 3 days later you get a large package in snail mail with the official acceptance (assuming you are accepted!) certificate and the scholarship information.

<p>Myum still doesn’t have it up, does anyone else have a decision on the myum website??</p>

<p>You [propbably] won’t see it until Friday isabella…patience…patience…</p>

<p>Admissions says decisions will be mailed tomorrow, online on Friday.</p>

<p>Patience has never been easy for me… Haha</p>