University of Miami Early Action / Early Decision for Fall 2023 Admission

emails, online webinars, and know your admissions counselor like the back of your hand!

Does this Friday sound like a good day for EA decisions? :slight_smile:


i think EA is late January


Look at the financial package tab. It should all be in there - any merit and any need based.

There are some competitive scholarships awarded later, but they would have reached out about the next steps.

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Yes. Just anxious!

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I can confirm that any applicable merit award should be reflected in the portal when the decisions are first announced. For my daughter, the link was located just above the link to the decision letter. There will be two links. The first details the amount and terms of the award. The second shows you the total cost of attendance after subtracting any merit and/or need based aid.

For ED schools it is critical to communicate all need based and merit aid information along with the decision because insufficient aid is the one legitimate out for a student that applied ED. If you’re not seeing any link to a merit award letter, your son or daughter likely did not receive any merit aid.

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Anybody know when they send a prompt to the people nominated for the Premier Scholarship?

Daughter applied EA - applied Oct. 15th. 1280 SAT, 4.0W GPA, lots of volunteering and clubs.

Just got an email from Miami asking her to shift application to ED2.

Does everyone get this? Heard last year that it was selective - a way to lock in likely accepts and minimize the financial aid.


My son 3.7 and 33ACT, email remind him that if he switch is binding and not to switch, he applied for FA.


yes i believe everyone got that email. It didnt ask them to do it, it asked if they would like to do it.

Hi there. My daughter got an email today saying she is nominated for the Premiere - Isaac Bashevis Singer & Marta S. and L. Austin Weeks Endowed Scholarships. They gave her the prompt and it’s due January 2nd. I have no idea how many applicants get the nomination.


Mine also got this email today! Was a nice surprise as we weren’t expecting to hear anything from Miami until Jan/Feb when EA came out!


I agree! I know it’s still a long shot to get, but it made her feel that she at least has a better shot at acceptance now. Who really knows, these admissions cycles are nutso lately. It’s really a top choice for her.


so yours applied EA not ED, got the invite even without knowing the acceptance or not?

Yep! But the letter did say if she did not do the scholarship essay by the due date then she would likely not be admitted as it would show lack of demonstrated interest.

Same thing for my D23. She applied EA so no acceptance yet and if she doesn’t submit the scholarship essay, it’s seen as lack of interest.

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This does not seem right, what if i do not want the scholarship, and i want to full pay :slight_smile: Are you high-stat status that they are afraid of yield impact?


I’m not very savvy with this stuff and honestly don’t know how many applicants get the invitation to apply for the Premiere scholarships. But it does make sense that if an applicant is given the opportunity to compete for a large scholarship and they don’t take advantage, it would appear as lack of interest.

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agreed, but logically they should accept first, then sequentially offer scholarship. they are concerned about yields, as the other posts talked about being asked to switch EA to ED2 for likely admitted students.

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gotcha. That makes sense.