University of Miami Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

Good luck everyone!!

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Shouldn’t the admission plan link be grayed out?

Does anyone know from past years?

the admission change plan??


hmmmm im not sure

I feel like it would be but I am not sure. I am afraid to click on it to see what happens lol

I didn’t ED, But in EA the day before decisions - my financials were changed and I had a little green spinning dot - i think the web page is different now.

I click on it and it just says unavailable at this time.

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Oh good!!!

wait what do you mean changed?? changed how?

they had input my merit , then took it down.

I thought maybe it would be grayed out, but if you click on it and it says unavailable that is the same thing. It is a good sign that they are coming out soon I would think.

Wait where are you seeing the link? I don’t even see it on my portal

ahhhhh ok thank you!!

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Bottom right – “Admission Plan Change Request”

it just came out omg im scared to open it


Is it out for real??

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Decisions are out


he’s in!!!