University of Miami Fall 2020 Transfer

Hello, everyone, I am creating this forum because I have not found any for Fall of 2020. I recently applied, I had a 3.7 GPA with a few EC (National Honor Society, Model UN). At the end of this semester, I will have over 60 credits. I applied prior to February 1st, therefore I am supposed to receive my decision before the 1st of April. If anyone has any questions, wants to change me, or just post their experience with applying, comment down below.

Hey! I’m glad someone made this thread lol. I just finished my application this week. How do you know it’s rolling admissions? I haven’t seen anything on their website saying that.

I could be wrong, although that’s what I thought I heard from somewhere. I may have gotten it mixed up with one of the other schools I am applying to.

I think you might be right though. I’ve seen people say the same thing from other threads. I’m just not sure where they’re getting it from. That would be cool if we get an answer before April 1st though.

Where are you transferring from?

It called Central Piedmont. It’s a community college in Charlotte NC. I am going to email them tomorrow and try to find out an approximate fate to see when decisions are supposed to be found out. Hbu, where are you transferring from?

Cool! I’m transferring from Broward college. It’s a school maybe 30-45 minutes north of UM. Let me know what they reply back?

I called and they said they are on a rolling basis, therefore there is no estimated date to when descions come out. I even asked if there is a month when most descions come out and they just said they same thing.

Oh awesome! So literally any day. I hope since we finished our apps early it gives a bit of an advantage.

Any word yet? I hope we don’t have to wait another month or so.

Nope nothing yet man. Yeah hopefully we get an answer sooner rather than later.

Sadly transfer decisions are going to come out until April. They haven’t come out before then since 2016. Usually it’s the 2nd week of April. Rolling admissions is just for those who apply after the April 1st deadline

That’s what I figured

Any updates?

I’m applying for Electrical Engineering with option in Audio Engineering. This is what I’m applying with:

  • Currently I’m a freshman at a fully accredited trimester university.
  • Completed 30 credits, with a GPA of 3.86. I well be Finishing the year with 39 credits.
  • 3 Recommendation letters.
  • Did a website for a company in the summer and currently I’m an intern for the same company.
  • Also I’m submitting my resume.

Just Wanted to know what my chances are in being accepted, also if it’s still necessary to submit my sat scores?

They said they will start to review applications next week and descions should go out begging to mid April

I am not 100% sure because I was not accepted yet, although the average transfer GPA was a 3.5 so you should get in

Heey guys hope y’all the best of luck with your applications!!

I’m applying as a transfer to the Architecture School, I already sent everything, but now they are requesting me to send the High School transcript (I’m an international student) buut I have 30 credits and as I’m from Brazil I have no time to send the transcript to the Josef Silny & A. as I did with the College one. Some advice? plsss

you got good stats and as you have 30 credits do not need to send the sat

They just sent me a to do list asking for my high school transcripts, College Report and College transcripts.

I already sent everything a month ago, except my High school transcripts. I thought they were not necessary since I have 30 credits.

My high school is closed because of the lockdown in my state. I don’t know how I’m going to send them.

Have you guys got any updates?

No updates yet, but that is weird. I have around 60 credits and they never asked for highscool transcripts. Descions should go out within the first few weeks of April though.