University of Miami Transfer Fall 2021

hi guys, ik i probably don’t have a chance at getting in but i wanted to see if u think i have a chance. i have only completed 28 credits at a competitive 4 year college, with a gpa of 3.14. i had a bunch of health issues at college, which is why my gpa is so low, but did address that on the app. bc i have fewer than 30 credits, i sent my sat scores which were 1360, 1390, and 1460, respectively. in high school i took many ap classes, getting straight As all 4 years and had a gpa of 4.6. i think my essay was pretty good and have letters of rec from phds at my school in my major. i was also in the honors college at my previous school which only accepts 15 students per class. i think if i had applied out of high school i would’ve gotten in, but due to illness in college my gpa is suuper low. i’m not sure if that alone will keep me from getting in? ik they take a holistic approach, but i’ve never heard of a umiami transfer who got in with below a 3.3. any thoughts would be appreciated:) i got into utampa tho and i’m super stoked about that so if all else fails i’ll be going there:) best of luck to all the applicants for this year, i hope u all get in!!!

The highschool performance usually predicts the college performance. Generally speaking, if you do good in highschool but did poorly in college, then that’s a red flag. Depending on the illness, they may overlook it but they might think you will continue doing poorly because of it. But I’m not admissions, so I really don’t know how they choose their students. I think your highschool record alone would have gotten you in, but the fact that you did poorly in college might hurt your chances. Maybe they’ll look at the other aspects of your application such as essay and those LOR and outweigh them over the college GPA. The acceptance rate for transfers is like a 50%, so a coin toss pretty much, so there’s a chance! Wish you the best of luck.

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you can always email them regarding what happened in college and explain it. I think theres a space on the common app too for you to write about anything that might have affected your grades.

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good idea, thank you!!

that’s kinda what i was thinking as well. i figured it’s at least worth a shot! thanks for taking the time to respond!!

Anybody still waiting on hearing back. I am so stressed out and I have exams next week so it’s definitely not helping.

I’m still waiting as well.

Next wave is this Wednesday the 28th

Hello, I applied to transfer to UM as a rising sophomore. I have yet to get my transfer decision. I have read via this thread that there is the anticipation of decisions getting released this Wednesday. (The notion that decisions were released every other Wednesday)

Thus, it sounds like the decisions would be this Wednesday? Also, would this be the final wave? My final document got received via the portal on 04/14/2021, other documents were submitted weeks beforehand. Is it fair to assume that my decisions should be in the next wave?

I don’t think it is the final wave. There are many transfers who have not heard back yet. If you hear nothing this week, then you might be in the next wave in May, I assume maybe 5/12.

Same with me. Everything was submitted on 4/13/2021. I do think we will both hear back on Wednesday. They did say 2-3 weeks after in a transfer meeting that I had with them. On the website, it says 3-4 weeks but I do think that is wrong. fingers are crossed.

If any of us are getting a decision today, I wonder when we’ll receive it? :thinking:

My only guess is 4:30 pm since that was the release time last year, but it could always change.

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I submitted my last document on April 1 and I am still waiting for the decision too. I keep checking the portal :joy:

I swear if I do not find out today I am going to lose it. I hate waiting!!! GL everybody

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do yk if we get an email?

Some students said they didn’t get an email, I just been watching: Access the New CaneLink Experience

Whether an email is sent or not, this is where they post the decision under messages

it says I’m not authorized to use that website :cold_sweat:

you have to log onto the applicant portal

Yea I logged in and it stills says that I am unauthorized