University of Miami Transfer Fall 2021

Did you set up an account? you have to create a password and stuff. Check your email if they ever set you anything to set it up

I just looked. I set up the applicant portal with the caneid thing, but it still says I’m not authorized to use that link. Could u take a ss of the email they sent you?

Here’s the main link:

(you go to canelink full website or canelink mobile from there)

I’m not sure why it is not working for you, for me it was just my CaneID and password, same for the applicant portal :thinking:

Anyone heard anything? Nothing on my end

no not yet i’m thinking probs at 4:30/5

Anybody hear yet. This is getting on my nerves.

Nothin for me

I am gonna be annoyed if I have to wait another 2 weeks.

Nothin for me either

Still nothing…

is it always at 4:30?

has anyone called the office? what did they say? don’t know about the time

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I’ve gotten nothing as well too

I guess we’re all in the same boat then because I have not heard one person say that they have gotten an email or a letter

when I called them early April they said I would get a decision in approximately for weeks which is this week… so idk

it’s exactly a month after my app has been complete… i feel you

Sounds like no decisions have been sent out today. Did anyone call the admissions office?

I would call but I am too scared too​:joy::joy:

you guys think they would release later today?

I am gonna stop checking after 5