<p>UM has gotten much more competitive over the past few years and I wanted your opinion as to whether or not I have a shot at getting in. I already sent in my early action application and hear back mid-February. I was also a student this summer at the University of Miami in their summer scholar program, taking two courses, both with A's. I also go to a private school.</p>
<p>cume GPA: 3.4
SAT: 1240</p>
<p>President, Chorus
President, Christian Action Program
President, S.A.D.D.
Secretary, Student Council
Captain, Mock Trial Team
Baseball Team
Newspaper staff writer
Yearbook staff
National Honor Society
National Society of High School Scholars
300+ hours of community service</p>
<p>I also started my own internet based business in 2003 and it is pretty successful. I am applying for Sport Management. What are your thoughts?</p>
<p>While your at it, you could chance me for all the schools I applied to:</p>
Villanova University
Georgetown University
Duke University
University of South Carolina
Elon University
Syracuse Universty</p>
<p>Looks good for UM, but what are your ACT/SAT scores? No one can chance you without them.</p>
<p>I'm interested in learning more about your online business. I too started one and plan on using it on my college app. What's the URL of your site(s)?</p>
<p>I don't know if a 1240 would be enough for some of the schools you applied to if it is on a 2400 scale.</p>
<p>Your site shows you have a passion for baseball, but is it really an online business that makes money? Your trademark was abandoned last year and some of the claims you make about your site need more verification: About</a> Us</p>
<p>I don't know what program you use to track your visits, but I don't think 20,000 visits/day for a site with 101 backlinks seems right. a site with that kind of traffic would have tens of thousands of links.</p>
<p>I also noticed that some of your content is plagiarized from news articles. While reusing parts of other articles is considered kosher for the web, the adcoms might not be so impressed.</p>
<p>The claims you make on your site are dubious, and I can find nothing about the "experts" you quote in the sidebar. You say you were interviewed on TV and radio as an expert, but Googling your name brings up nothing.</p>
<p>There are also some grammar mistakes that need to be addressed. If you made the same types of claims on your apps you did on your site and made the same grammar errors, I would be worrying right now.</p>
<p>Well I would appreciate it if you wouldn't bash something I've worked hard on. It does make money.</p>
<p>While I appreciate you doing an entire site history and proofreading for me, your claims aren't completely true. </p>
<p>Taking articles the way I do is referred to as 'news clipping' and is not plagarising. If I took the article in its entirity and put it on my website, it wouldn't be plagiarizing, but rather copyright infringement. </p>
<p>To address the other concerns, is a 1240 out of 1600...not 2400.</p>
<p>Displaying parts of articles from places like the NYT on your site is both copyright infringement and plagiarism. From the viewpoint of a webmaster I have nothing wrong with it, but it is infringing copyright because you are using the "clippings" without permission to make up a major portion of your website's content. While using small bits of other people's works is acceptable for review purposes, your site provides news, not reviews. Go read Title 17 of the U.S. Code if you are mixed up about copyright law. I have sent out DMCA and C&D's before to get small portions of my content taken off others' sites with success.</p>
<p>I'm not trying to bash you, but trying to help you get accepted. Trust me, colleges will see that a good portion of your site comes from other sources and will think less of it for it. Your site is off to a great start though.</p>
<p>Well I have 38 letters on file from 38 newspapers/internet news sites that give me the news clipping permission, providing a link to the story, so is not infringement or plagiarism. </p>