2 minutes guys… let’s gooooo
@Mikemargo11 Is the next wave in March though?
Edit: yeah it is they’re on spring break
Its midnight. Anything??
Anything guys…?
mines the same. great
Portals went down for me for a couple seconds.
Still deferred, no update
Would it come a bit later?
bAmBoOzLeD aGaIn
lol greatttt another week of waiting and speculating!!!
still deferred, definietly sometime in march then.
if michigan deferred so many great applicants to protect their yield, i think thats stupid becuase this dragged on ridiculous process makes me not want to go there at all
i’m thinking next week
Still deferred!
@rb09 They’re on winter break until March 5th. So the decisions are definitely coming sometime in March.
Still deferred…
Ugh…still deffered.
does the admissions office close during winter break?
@rb09 I don’t know if they are open, but reading last year’s thread it seems like no decisions were released during the Friday of spring break.
Offices do not close on spring break.