University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I’m still deciding between UW-Madison and Umich because I was unexpectedly accepted to both. However, Ive only seen the campus at wisco and fell in love with it, so idk if ill be able to visit michigan with covid happening. Has anyone visited michigan and have opinions on the campus?

Yes. We visited in September. Walked around ourselves and met up with a student my daughter knows who walked us around too. Masks etc. Just don’t step on the M as my son did. Although maybe it was a good luck for him. :rofl:


Thanks! So Umich accepted the same number in EA this year as before? Other colleges not only had historically high number of EA/ED applicants this year, they accepted much fewer students this year in EA round than in previous years. So UMich still extended around 8000 acceptances this year?

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@bungeecord - curious, what scholarship did you receive?


All … I previously worked in development/fundraising for U-M. There are some scholarships privately funded by donors specifically for students from specific high schools or communities.

Yes, yes, yes except for Uprod… :wink:… This is everything I tell people to do and some question it. Yes, many don’t do any of it and get in but why chance it.

The essay isn’t optional. Take a week and do it.

No, sorry, my fault, that’s an assumption by me. I should have mentioned that and been more clear.

Neither. Don’t read into it. Submit the grades. It’s the norm. If they ask for the essay do that also.

@Lacey21 - Michigan resident here, so I’m very familiar with Ann Arbor. My daughter visited Ross business school prior to her HS sophomore year and then we also did the campus tour before her junior year.

My niece attended UW-Madison. She grew up in AA so both she and her parents have a lot of experience comparing. They all feel that there’s a lot of similarities between Madison and Ann Arbor. One benefit that Madison has is its proximity to the lake. Honestly, you can’t go wrong either way.


Get it in next week. Take a few days to regroup and make next Friday your send date.

Call /email and ask. They were talking about it but this week there is a stay at home order.

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Madison, Northwestern and Michigan to me are stellar campuses. If you liked Madison you will like Ann Arbor but no lake lol… It’s almost always rated the top campus and city to be in. There is a reason for that :wink:

Is the “not required” essay for the Expression of Continued Interest Form actually “required”? Will someone be rejected if they don’t write the essay?

Care to share what states?

I found out that I was deferred yesterday Jan 30th, and I want to send the Expression of Continued Interest Form ASAP. I’m a little confused as to what I should write about in it. Could someone give me some pointers?

Don’t know but I was told years ago when something says optional… It’s not. You want to show interest correct? Wouldn’t you think this does? You want to do everything to put yourself in the best light.

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you can add to your “Why UMich essay”. Make a new research, find other reasons why UMich is a great fit for you and write about that. (just make sure that you are not repeating what you have said in your application earlier). Also, you can write about new hobbies/passions/accomplishments, but for sure connect everything back to “why UMich is your top choice/best school”

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So I see a number of people here who understand that U-M received roughly 45k to 50k EA applications.

I did not want to share this earlier to avoid increasing anyone’s anxiety.

I have a friend who reads applications for the university. She shared with me that Michigan actually received 67,000 EA applications, more than they received in total between EA and RD combined last year.

I don’t know how many students were admitted EA or what can be expected for RD, but just know that it’s an incredibly competitive year.

That said, looking at the qualifications of many who were postponed I’d suspect they have a good shot at RD.

From what I’ve learned, I can definitely confirm that Michigan focuses on a very holistic process. They definitely look at the essays in depth. Every application - regardless of GPA, test scores, etc. is read by three different people.

They are looking for well-rounded students with leadership experience who can really bring something unique to the campus. Strong grades, rigor, test scores if available are important. But so is what you share of yourself in your essays, and what your teacher recommendation says about you. Demonstrated interest is also important when comparing applicants who are all highly qualified.

Hope this is helpful.


From the form: “In 250 words or less, describe how your personal educational goals connect to the University of Michigan’s mission and values, and share any additional information that you would like us to know.” So would I need to specifically reference Michigan’s mission and values? I was also thinking of focusing more on LSA and its values since that is the school I applied to.

@Knowsstuff and @sushiritto and any other folks who might know…is Honors College at UMich highly selective and is it restrictive? My son wants to study bio-something or other but would like to take related engineering classes at some point. MSU Honors is offering tons of $$$ and possible research fellowship but UMich is his dream and the prestige and research opportunities are amazing. Is the honors college worth a try? Does it open doors or increase merit aid opportunities? I read the website but was looking for the real view. Still can’t believe he got in EA. Thanks for all the positivity! I feel like Inigo Montoya in the Princess Bride asking Westley what we are going to do once we get in the castle.

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So sorry… This site is messed up sometimes… I was talking to the person that mentioned about merit scholarships but great job! :+1: