University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Can’t have enough Quaterbacks? Guess they never seen our Chicago Bears :joy: :football:.

Good Luck.


That’s a great analogy. I may have to borrow that one in future years here. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Does anyone know when we can expect to receive financial aid info for admitted students? The website was pretty vague.

Hey, so my son was just about to enter in his essay to the EIC form on his applicant portal and it’s suddenly different than it was last night. We only know this because I had copied and pasted the question “prompt” he had last night yet now the “prompt” is no longer there and it only has these two paragraphs instead of the 3. Has anyone else’s changed and dropped the prompt? Anyone have any insight into this?

"This form serves as your singular expression of continued interest in the University of Michigan, and can be used to share additional information about yourself with us. It is voluntary and is not required for us to consider your application in our Regular Decision process. If there is additional information you would like to provide to us, please submit this form by February 20.

Please note: Given the high volume of applicants to the University of Michigan, this form is the only source of additional application information that will be considered. Therefore, additional information/communications sent outside of this form will not be added to your application."

Mine also changed to that. I think they just changed it for everyone. As for why they did, I have no idea.

I believe the letter disappeared for my kid last year as well.
Just want to add, DEFINITELY send the letter, personalize it, show passion but not emotional. And in the interim, get excited over your other school choices and don’t be bitter. My kid was one of the 7% who got off the WL last year after being deferred and TG is thriving just as his siblings did. GO BLUE!!

It was me. I sent them all singing Gorilla Grams of the Michigan fight song over and over again. Might have been too much school spirit.

… no, not really …

Mine has also changed from the two paragraphs plus the prompt to now only the two paragraphs you posted. I’m curious as to why they did that, too! If anyone knows anything about the reason for this change, I’m sure we’d all appreciate it!

Not much to figure out. They updated the prompt. This looks like the one from last year but not 100% sure. Anyway, this is the one they want you to use… I wouldn’t really read that much into it.

Do you suggest we still write based off the prompt or take advantage of no prompt and write a little more freely? I’m not sure whether that would even make a difference but I’m sitting down to start writing my ECI now and I can’t seem to figure out how to start the essay lol. So I guess I’d say I’m just desperate for any and all guidance from anyone :blush: :laughing:

Thank you for posting that - my son is writing his & we also printed the prompt the other night. Not sure we would have even caught the change! I feel like it’s still good guidance & he won’t change much if any because of this change.

Well, the difference is that now there is no prompt. The first two paragraphs were always there. The prompt which was the third paragraph is now not there. So instead of a prompt, they left no prompt.

@panda165 @wiscokat Since he had already finished what he was writing last night and had to eliminate some language today to shorten it, he decided to leave it as is. I am sure since it’s been 4 days since the EA decisions came out, they’ve already received hundreds if not more of the ECI anyway with the original prompt and they’ll know he was answering this as well which is fine.

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Use the one that your looking at. You could email admission also if you have questions. Ask yourself one question to get started.

Why do you “really” want to go to Michigan? It shouldn’t be that hard.

Explain how you would make an impact on campus and how you will be part of their active community. How would you change the campus /community for the better.

End with I look forward to your favorable decision. Go Blue.

In my son’s original essays he never stated he wanted to go to Michigan. He wrote about the people he wanted to go to school with and how that would motivate him and work in a collaborative environment etc.

If you met with or emailed with a professor. Then use that or anyone that inspired you to go to Michigan.

Keep it upbeat without begging. Telling them Michigan is your #1 since birth is cliché. Michigan is a tough school. Let them know you tend to manage your time and use their learning resources.

There are so many directions you can take this.

Also don’t tell them what they already know. You don’t need to state about rank and such. They already know their great. They want to find out how great, You are.


@Knowsstuff, thank you so much!!

Does anyone know when fin-aid comes out? I’m OOS and I love UMich but prob won’t go with little to no aid

Just remember, you only have 250 words and they also want to hear about any updates you may have to report, honors/awards etc. not just all about your love fest for them! 250 words is not a lot once you start writing!


@srparent15 So What was the prompt? Don’t remember what is was, and we never copied it. My daughter has not starting writing her essay yet.


This was the third paragraph with the prompt:

“In 250 words or less, describe how your personal educational goals connect to the University of Michigan’s mission and values, and share any additional information that you would like us to know.”

No reason you can’t use these elements.

Mission | Office of the President.,service%20for%20the%20common%20good.

2 mission statements. Yikes…

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Yes what @Knowsstuff said! In addition to your passion for the school, how will you contribute positively to UMich community?