University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Did umich remove the orompt for LOCI?

Yeah that happened two weeks ago. I submitted mine really early without refreshing the tab so I still saw the original prompt but submitted it at a time when the prompt was actually gone. I freaked out when I realized and had my guidance department talk to our rep, but he said it’s perfectly fine and that as long as you submitted one they’ll know what you’re talking about.

I have not submitted yet. Should I still submit according to that prompt?

Thank you. I watched the video with Hasan Minhaj testimony before Congress. Very interesting.

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Yeah so my estimate came for financial aid and for me it is costing around 5k a year. I haven’t applied for any scholarships yet but I don’t think I will. I am in-state and I totally did not expect to get this generous of an offer. My tuition was covered with a scholarship but the other federal aid basically covered my boarding and I just have to pay for personal expenses now. I feel like they should distribute aid better because I know we did not need this much aid. We were totally not expecting it and I was ready for a higher amount.

is 65k normal for OOS?

Sorry I didn’t see this until now. I would submit under the current prompt. The only reason why I messed up was because I didn’t refresh my tab until I hit submit just to remind myself to do it early, but if you know that the prompt changed I would just write according to the current one. Hope this helps.

It depends on the school. U of M is ranked as the #1 public school in the USA, and with that comes a higher OOS tuition (compares more with higher ranked private schools). There are public schools on the east coast with higher OOS. University of Wisconsin OOS without any aid (with room/board and food) is around $48,000,. Ohio State OOS is around $43,000. Univerity of Georgia OOS is $41,500.
Indiana University is around $48,000. Michigan State OOS without aid is around $50,000, but they give a lot of merit scholarship, so for those OOS that could get into U of M, the OOS tuition for Michigan State (with room/board and food) is $30,000 or less.

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I would also add UCLA and UVA are both about $68,000. I would say Michigan’s tuition is about the same as other top public universities.

My son purposely submitted his the same day the prompt was gone. He had already written it and it was clear the UM prompt was too broad for only 250 words. He had to cut out 100 to get his to the max but he did it and they’ll see his updates as well as get his point of what he’ll do to engage there etc.

UT-Austin which you didn’t mention, tuition alone is about $44k for OOS. Add in Room and board and you’re close to $60k. Higher if you join a Greek life and/or live in a private dorm which many OOS do. They give next to no OOS merit. It’s outrageous. The only saving grace is they work with you to gain residency beginning sophomore year when tuition drops to about $13k.

My son also submitted using the old prompt, which disappeared the day after he submitted the LOCI. The pretty opaque nature of the old prompt was difficult and as a result caused much anguish in our house and perhaps others (which is probably why UM dropped it). However, he plowed through and I think he did a good job with it. I just hope that the AOs agree with me!

Wouldn’t it be great if public colleges had one rate, with no in-state or out-of-state tuition, so each person would have a greater variety of colleges that fit their needs to choose from. It would obviously require the public college system be moved from the State to the Federal level, which seems near impossible.

That is amazing that UT-Austin works with you to gain residency. Michigan’s rules are very strict.

UM does not get as much funding from the State of Michigan as other flagship universities of this caliber get from their state governments. The State of Michigan only provides 3-4% of the annual budget (but its contribution is still $325 million annually).

By comparison, UVA gets 8% of its revenue from the Commonwealth of Virginia, and UC Berkeley gets 14% of its revenue from the State of California.

However, UM does try to make the state residents happy through lower tuition and more financial aid. The UM regents are chosen by statewide election, and there are other ways the state government can intervene in UM affairs.

Given estimated revenue losses of $400 million to $1 billion in 2020 due to the medical school, athletics and other operations, and UM’s commitment to financial aid for existing students and in-state applicants, UM’s financial aid for OOS applicants will necessarily be limited.

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Agreed. We knew when applying to U of M OOS that there would not be any merit scholarships coming our way.

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You know what’s going on… Lol. Michigan for instate is literally one of the best deals around anywhere. Michigan the state is blessed with great schools in general. Most kids apply to both then anything else is gravy… We grew up in Michigan then moved. Kills me to pay OOS rates… Lol.

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Thank you for saying this. It amazes me when people spout out about this. Yes, it’s disappointing, that I get but if you research the schools you are applying to how can it be shocking?

Avg Michigan family that goes to Michigan makes $155,000 and about 8% or higher make $650,000 or above. Think this is mostly OOS. This is comparable to just about any private.


Same here. I grew up in Michigan and went to U of M, and was so surprised when people in-state didn’t realize what a great deal it was. Now we live in Missouri, and the schools are not comparable to the schools in Michigan, except for Washington University in St. Louis which is private.


My wife went there also… I was there like every weekend though… Lol… . I went to Wayne. I laugh when I hear people wanting to go OOS but got into Michigan instate .


Some kids want to spread their wings, however impractical it may seem :upside_down_face: