University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

I can’t find the article but still Number 1 in College Basketball uniforms also …Does that count?

Ya, I don’t think that’s “a thing.” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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It’s a thing… Lol.

Well, having the best basketball uniform in the B1G isn’t going to help beat Gonzaga in the NCAA Finals. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But they will look good trying…:rofl:

OK, Back to serious college stuff…

Looks like to make the finals this year they will need to beat Baylor (or Zaga) to get there!

They have the best uniforms and best fight song:)

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Wishful thinking, on my part, since my D18’s BFF attends Gonzaga.

Conference tournaments haven’t even been played yet, so seedlings right now are a bit presumptuous.

Michigan did beat Gonzaga in an early tournament last season.

Never know, on any given day any team can beat another, plus Baylor has had lots of covid so no playing for awhile. Who knows if that will affect them or not. Illinois finally has a great team again this year too!

I have a question. My son was invited to apply for Kessler Scholarship. It was due today by midnight. We live in California and he thought it was due by midnight PST but when he tried to submit it, he couldn’t.
Nowhere on the application did it say that the deadline is at midnight EST. Can anything be done to still submit his application or did he miss out?

Try again sending it out like now. If not, call!!! Explain that when you tried to send it or didn’t go. Leave it at that. They are reasonable people. Hope it works out.


Does anyone have a screen that says they are updating decisions like we did the week before EA decisions came out? I am still able to log into my portal so idk if that means anything about if a wave of decisions will/won’t come out tomorrow

It isn’t like that for me.


I called Admissions regarding self-touring the university & they said that we could do a driving tour but not walk around campus. Was hoping to use Spring Break to give my son a chance to see his top places in person (University of Michigan is his #1). We planned to do that last Spring Break too and you all know how that went with the pandemic. I 100% understand why we can’t tour but this is my first child going off to college & I’m feeling a little sad that he is missing out (along with his Dad & I) on in person visits - I imagined he would step foot on a certain campus & feel the feels and know for sure that is where he wants to go. Very good chance that he will end up going to school somewhere and step foot on campus for the first time on drop off day. My son has always been school first before sports, social events, etc. - going to college is his Super Bowl. Ok my pity party is over - I know people have a lot worse going on - we are very lucky. But while I was on the phone I did ask for those not accepted EA and who are now RD will it be rolling admissions coming out in “waves” and the AO said we would know by early April and that it is not rolling because everyone will find out at the same time. I asked if it’s possible that decisions will follow Ross and come out in February, March & April & she said we would know by early April :). Anyway, if we are so lucky to get a wave before Spring Break & my son gets good news - we’d like to make the 8 hour drive and at least do the driving tour. For those familiar with the university - will driving around be worth it? Any nearby restaurants worth checking out, hotel recommendations - anything we should see or experience that will give my son the University of Michigan “vibe”?


No - our portal is not saying that.

Put on double masks and start walking… They don’t want school bus loads of people. Michigan is IN Ann Arbor… People walking around all the time… Just saying…


I agree with @Knowsstuff – They can’t officially tell you to come do a walking tour, but no one would stop you. Likely can’t go into buildings but you can still get a campus vibe.

Eat at Zingerman’s, Red Hawk, Seva or somewhere on South U. Not sure if the Michigan League is renting rooms during COVID, but you would be in the middle of campus if you stayed there. Unsure if the art museum or natural history museum are open for visitors but that is a nice addition to a tour.

Do you know any students at Michigan? If so, a load of groceries or a nice lunch or dinner could be the “reward” for them walking you around? The net-net is I think you can make an informal tour worth it in Ann Arbor, no question.

Mine isn’t like that - are you trolling?

No I was asking because the week before EA decisions when I tried to log into my portal there was a screen that said they were updating decisions so I couldn’t log in but right now I am able to log into my portal like I normally would so I was wondering if that meant they weren’t updating decisions yet

Are decisions coming out in waves or all at once?