University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Oh got it. I thought you were saying that your portal had that screen on it.

I’ve heard that they come out in waves

@wiscokat Check out this short thread on restaurants and other stuff.

A2 is one of the best college towns in the US. For hotels, they’ll run the gambit from out by the mall (3 miles away) to the Graduate and Residence Inn, which are a few blocks from campus. There’s also a newer 4-level YMCA within a couple blocks and a gym is a necessity for me. Those are the two hotels that I tend to stay at since they’re close to campus and my D’s apartment(s). There’s also a few B&B’s close by as well. And we’ve also used AirBnB too. But that was all pre-Covid.

For me, being a big sports nut, I felt like Rudy’s Dad seeing ND stadium, when I saw the Big House for the first time. Crisler (b-ball) and Yost (hockey) are awesome venues too. But you won’t be able to get into them. I’ve run the bulk of the town and beyond campus, the neighborhoods are cute with old beautiful architecture. UMichigan loves brick too, so there’s a ton of brick buildings. The Biological Sciences is a new building and Student Union was just refurbished. I haven’t seen it yet due to a Covid.

Tours always take you through the Law Quad, and it’s library, which is beautiful and also goes across the bridge to visit Stockwell (for sophomores, reminds me of Hogwarts) and Mosher Jordan (MoJo) dorms.

Central Campus is just one big rectangular block with buildings where most of the LSA classes are taken. I’d also drive by West Quad, East Quad and South Quad which are considered the best dorms on Central. All remodeled. South Quad is where honors and most of the freshman athletes live, though some live in West (West is Best) Quad. :laughing:

Also, pre-Covid, the town/college ran the Michigan Flyer, a nice bus service from the Detroit Airport to the Blake Transit center. I used it all the time. The bus ran every hour or so and cost about $22 RT.

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Son accepted LSA EA. Ross question-do they deny on the first decision date of 2/19 or if not accepted on 2/19 do you assume you’re deferred to 3/16 and then 4/16?

I would definitely take my child on a walking tour of campus! We’d keep our distance from others and wear masks. If she gets accepted RD, we will definitely tour campus in April. There is NO WAY I’m sending my child to a school where she hasn’t set foot on campus. My 2 cents.


Ross has not denied in the 1st two waves, at least in the past and here on CC. The caveat is CC is a small sample size. But I believe you’re just “deferred.”

Sushiritto-thank you!

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Does everyone get a decision (either accepted or deferred) every Ross wave?

Will RD decisions start rolling out tomorrow? Will there be rejections?

Honestly I would wait. UM still has tons of covid cases. My daughter has a friend who was just put in quarantine for the 4th time, one day after coming out of quarantine. All for eating a meal with someone who then tested positive. This poor girl has been negative every time she’s to the point she just wishes she got covid! Travel is still a problem and people are still not vaccinated. Not to mention the weather has not been helpful. Like many other schools they’re trying to keep visitors away and transmission of the virus down. If you have to visit in would hold off as long as possible. It’s a very easy campus to drive through as it’s not very contained so that is one aspect of making a car visit if you do that.

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Not everyone gets a decision from Ross in each wave. You may have to wait, but hopefully not.

RD waves were timed with Ross the last couple years, but this year EA decisions were delayed as you know. So timing may or may not stay the same.

FWIW, RD decisions were released at 12:01 AM on Fridays, IN THE PAST, so if I were an applicant this year, I’d start looking at my portal tonight. I’m NOT trying to start a rumor, but it’s entirely possible based on past patterns.

Again, this is the Year of Covid and past patterns may not be a good predictor or future results. :slight_smile:

Totally understand what your saying but thousands of students especially internationals go to campuses every year they haven’t visited in real life. But I totally get what your saying

Is the application portal updated like it was last time with the black screen when awaiting the decision or will it just update on its own?

My son is the same. He absolutely wouldn’t be able to make a decision without “feeling” what the campus was like. In the fall he asked his HS counselor if she could hook him up with someone from his school who was at Michigan now. Turns out the guy is from our neighborhood. My husband and son made the 5+ hour drive from Wisconsin and this kid walked them all around. He couldn’t take them into any buildings but my son definitely got the feel for campus so much so that UMich was pushed to his #1. They did a lot of walking around on their own as well and everyone was wearing masks. My husband bought a gift card for a local pub and my son wrote the kid a thank you and sent it when he got home. I would say it would definitely be worth the trip.


Not sure if the black-screen thing will happen again. When I checked the RD posts last year, nobody mentioned that at all, but it did happen to the EA guys back then.

You will see some activity when releases come if my memory serves me correctly but nothing like the EA decisions… Follow when Ross comes out and pray :pray: that RD comes out also.

FYI - for sure UIUC comes out tomorrow :wink:

i looked at last years RD thread and it looks like it came out 1/31 @ around 3pm. so if it comes out tomorrow should we expect around 3?

so they’re saying no one that was EA postponed and all RD will find out anything until April? I get that them saying they’ll know by early april means anytime before then, but saying they won’t be rolling and that everyone will find out at the same time sounds like we have two more months of waiting.

Thanks for sharing this. What did your son like / not like at UMich? Haven’t been able to visit any schools so it would be very helpful to hear your son’s perspective. Thanks

Will there be an email that says your portal has been updated? Or just need to keep checking?