University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

@bawbroncos21 Looks great. Being OOS is very hard even with your stats. The essay for Ross is very key . You don’t have legacy but always nice to add a family member attended, that can’t hurt.

Please keep something in mind. Many and I mean many students go into business and don’t get into Ross at Michigan. There are “lots” of opportunities to do business things on campus with clubs/activities that have nothing to do with Ross. Many non Ross students get hired and go right into business in all sectors. Ross is just one avenue. At Michigan there are many other roads that lead to a business career.

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This year they’re extending decision release to January to compensate for the pushed back ea deadline of Nov. 15. Of course, you could still hear in December, it’s just less likely.

Just turned in my EA application for the College of Engineering. So nerve-racking, but worth it.

@bawbroncos21 , your stats are very good and you can’t do much better.

For reference, my daughter applied last year EA, was moved to RD, and admitted in January/February. She is OOS (CA), 3.7 UW/4.2 W, 33 ACT, 7 APs, and good ECs (Varsity Lacrosse) with a very good essay and she is a legacy (I’m an alum). She ultimately turned down the offer.

Her friend from here had a better GPA and same ACT as her, and was admitted EA.

I would say with the uncertainty of COVID, you’re very likely in for LSA, even EA and I would think for sure RD, and probably Ross too. COVID will influence yields, and so they may take more kids than usual.

Hi! I applied early action for the class of 2025, and was hoping someone would be able to weigh in on my chances of admission.

i applied out of state for the college of arts and sciences as a physics major.

act: 34
gpa: 4.7 weighted 4.0 unweighted
i will have 6 ap classes under my belt after this year including ap human geography, ap gov, ap physics 1, ap physics c, ap bc calculus, and ap french. i’ve gotten all 4s and 5s thus far.
14/435 in my class

-french club

  • french honors society
  • math honors society,
    -social group at my school to help socially challenged students develop better interpersonal skills
    -i’ve worked two jobs throughout high school including serving and coordinating activities at a nursing home, and retail at old navy currently- full time during the summers and part time during school.
    -I run a small online business flipping and reselling thrifted clothing.
    -theater outside of school and various choirs in school
    -academic awards in english and physics

I wrote my essay on the impact of learning about huntington’s disease in my family and living at risk. I didn’t have anyone read it- it felt very personal.

i’m a girl if that makes any difference.


@asbjodg123 I do think you have a pretty solid shot. Your ACT score, GPA, and class ranking show that you are qualified. Your jobs, academic awards, and business will definitely also make you stand out and your essay topic seems like it will be memorable. One downfall might be the number of AP classes taken, but that really depends on how many other people at your school usually take.

My OOS (Texas) twins just submitted their EA applications for 2025, so here I am again. Don’t be fooled into thinking doing EA is going to get you an “early” decision.

My story: my son is (high school) class of 2020 and currently a freshman at UMich studying mechanical engineering. He was deferred, deferred, and waitlisted. Then, he got in off the waitlist in late APRIL, yes, LATE April, I said. So, I am an old hat at this convoluted process, and just want some of you to know, that this could be a several months long process, especially for the OOS folks like me and my twins. I know last year that we circled that date in December and anxiously checked the status all day thinking that when they said early action applications would have a decision by Dec. 24, we naively thought, “oh, we will have a decision on Dec. 24! Awesome!” Then that decision is “deferred.” So, send in your statement of continued interest and your 1st semester grades, and then the regular decision deadline came and went, and he remained “deferred.” Then, at some point, it was waitlisted, and we pretty much had given up at that point because if you look at the waitlist stats from previous years, it is BEYOND dismal.


Hey Guys!
I am a current freshman at U-M and was deferred in December of 2019 and accepted in march 2020. I love the school so much and am so happy to be a wolverine, but I know how tough the admissions process can be, especially when you’re deferred for a long time like I was. I am happy to answer any questions you may have (to the best of my knowledge) about the school or the admissions process!


I of course don’t work for admissions but I think your stats look great. Im a current student in LSA and had a 34 GPA, 7 AP classes and very similar activities. Good luck!


Where have they said anywhere they may release decisions in December? Every notification and online at their website they have clearly stated that no decisions this year for Early Action will be made before the end of January which is a month later than usual since they pushed back their EA date by 2 weeks and then we had the holiday and they will have xmas to deal with as well so that basically gives you the full month they need. In normal times they do the week around xmas, but this is not normal times. I would be shocked if they release any EA decisions in December. They haven’t even notified Engineering applicants for interviews yet and previously they had already done them by this point.


This year they say the Early Action date is end of January due to Covid and them pushing back the application deadline to November 15 so at least people should know not to expect anything until the end of January. I know how frustrating it can be!

Last year was an exceptional year and many schools went way into their waitlists so congrats to your twins. This year many schools are going to over-accept from the getgo, but UM has had a history the last few years of under-accepting in December and then accepting more in March. I’m not sure if that’s because they want ED kids to pull apps so they don’t impact their yield or what? My son applied EA to Engineering there but he applied ED somewhere else, so he may never hear if he is accepted or not. Kind of a bummer because aside from how they dealt with Covid, it is an awesome school.

I got a HAIL interview invitation a week or two ago, but I have a hard time during interviews, especially over Zoom. Is the interview necessary to get in? Or can I get in without doing the interview?

They always do that.

I’m pretty sure it’s optional. After some research I learned that opting out of the interview does not hurt your chances at all, and opting in would only help your chances. If the interviewer alumni finds you to be a great potential addition to UoM, then they will write a letter recommending you. Otherwise, even if you mess up badly during the interview, it won’t lower your chances at all. I also got a HAIL interview invitation, but I believe that it will be pretty casual, not as formal as those Ivy League interviews that actually affect your chances a lot. Good luck!

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Michigan accepted EA applications thru midnight of November 16, just for posterity purposes. :wink:

And while Michigan extended the EA deadline by about 2 weeks, IMO, I don’t think they’ll need an extra 5 +/- weeks to get EA decisions outbound. Harbaugh isn’t running the Admissions department too. Sorry couldn’t resist. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

FYI, I’m not aware of last cycle’s #'s (Class of 2024), but in the prior 2-3 years, Michigan accepted roughly 7,000-8,000 EA application from a pool of about 40,000 EA applications. Since the total # of apps didn’t change much, I’m assuming last year’s EA #'s didn’t significantly change from prior years.

Michigan usually admits before Christmas if I recall from when my kids heard 2 yeas ago, it was the week of Dec 17. If you tack on 2 weeks from there due to their extending the deadline, you have to take into account that their offices are probably closed for the holidays for 2 weeks which will put them at a minimum into January. Take into account also that most of these people may be working from home due to covid and that may delay things even further. It would be great if they released decisions earlier, but I wouldn’t anticipate it being in December based on the number of applications they need to sift through.

I also think more students are applying to Michigan this year than normally would as the reach they normally would never get into it. I know of at least 3 people who have done this. No idea if their applications truly are up, but will be interesting to see this data.

Flip side is all the students that applied ED somewhere and are accepted will pull their applications from UM which will make things easier for them as well unlike previous years. Same for UIUC which is only having one release date in February.


I can’t believe I haven’t posted this info yet.

Here are the last NINE (9) years of UMich EA release dates:

12/16/2011 (Friday)

12/14/2012 (Friday)

12/20/2013 (Friday)

12/19/2014 (Friday)

12/18/2015 (Friday)

12/21/2016 (Wednesday)

12/20/2017 (Wednesday)

12/19/2018 (Wednesday)

12/19/2019 (Thursday)

Of course, this being the Year of Covid, none of this info will mean much. I’m sure this admission cycle’s timeframe will change to sometime in January. But you never know.


The # of applications for UMich per the CDS:

2017-2018 59,886

2018-2019 64,917

2019-2020 64,972

The past two cycles, the # of applications have been flat. It’s always interesting to see how many applications the top schools receive each year.

One more important thing to add here.

Last year, a poster used the special link to log on to Enrollment Connect to get application status. And if you had an X next to “final high school transcript”, prior to decisions being released, then ultimately that applicant was accepted last year when EA decisions were released.

The “theory” was that a college would only need your final transcript, if you enrolled. And why else would Michigan ask for it.

From what I remember, this poster’s “theory” was foolproof when acceptances were released. Whether the “glitch” applies to this year is anyone’s guess.

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I laughed at the harbaugh reference