University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Current parent here of two at UMich, both were EA, OOS one heard first round the other deferred and didn’t hear to the end. There was talk of a glitch last year because it was first time with a new online system/portal. The one that was found was accurate, but UMich caught on and patched it. I highly doubt it will exist this year if using the same system. There was also talk of finding something in the source code last year, but that did not indicate anything in the end.

My advice, sit back and don’t obsess over the timing, you will hear when you will hear and it will be what it will be. There are many fabulous schools out there and it isn’t where you go it is all about your own effort and drive to make things happen for your future!

Also, lets all hope that UMich will be back in the classroom come Fall 2021, because the online version of a UMich education definitely falls short.

Go Blue!

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Everything is optional but if invited to do an interview and you don’t… This is one great way to show your interest and intention. That is big for Michigan especially during these times. That goes for just about any school out there. The interviewer can’t really do you any harm unless you do something like really bad. The interview is just talking. Nothing more and nothing less. Don’t make it more then what it is. Always have 3 questions to ask the interviewer. Don’t be surprised when they ask you “Why Michigan”?.. Think you should be able to handle that one…

On my portal, there is no checklist for most application materials (transcripts, LORs, test scores, etc.). So I’m not really even sure where this x next to final transcript would even show up.

Yeah, nothing on my son’s checklist either. It just says application complete and that he qualifies for EA with a decision by January 31.

My daughters were both offered HAIL interviews 2 years ago and had them by Thanksgiving, but he hasn’t heard anything about that. From what I remember, there was a link or something like that to click or sign up by midnight to do it and there was no penalty for not. LSA doesn’t offer them and we weren’t aware at the time that Engineering did. One of my daughters had a complete dud of an interviewer, the other had an amazing alumni. He did such a great job that she felt bad telling him that she decided not to attend Michigan after she was accepted. She was so anxious about doing the interview that she accepted it with 1 minute left in the deadline and really did not want to do it. As a parent to anyone not wanting to do these, please do. It really can’t hurt and it is great experience for jobs, other colleges which may be your top choices, but even more importantly, you’ll find that there will be clubs and activities you will need to interview for once you’re in college that these experiences just give you that practice and skills needed to be prepared for those things.

Doesn’t mean much unfortunately since they say on their website this year they’ve bumped decisions to late January. Maybe they’ll change their mind and work extra hard, or admit a select few, but I wouldn’t count on it.

The UMich website states that the Early Action decision release is “BY late January.”

Normally they release mid-December. This year, they extended the deadline by two weeks which would put the decision date between Christmas and New Year’s, but they aren’t usually working during that break which would put the decision date on or after Monday January 4th. They’ll probably also get quite a few more applications this year, which would push the decision date back even further. If I had to guess, I would say that they’ll release EA decisions on approximately January 15, though I obviously hope it’s sooner.

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So I applied to LSA with preferred admission preference to Ross. They show up as two separate applications in my portal. Two questions: will I receive both admission decisions at once or will I hear from LSA first and then Ross later if I’m admitted? And is it possible for me to get into LSA but not Ross?

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Yes, if I recall correctly, you’ll hear from LSA first and then later from Ross. Did you turn in your portfolio to Ross? My daughters both applied to Engineering and one to Ross. They both got into Engineering in December and then the Ross date I believe was around February, but she was accepted ED and pulled her application so never found out. I remember my other one who did not apply to Ross (didn’t like how you could not specialize in business) applied somewhere else in Business and when we were at their Business Honors Day for admitted students in late March it was right after the Michigan Ross admitted students day.

I know a lot of people who don’t get into Ross but have gotten into LSA and still go to UM. It’s very difficult to transfer into Ross later also. These kids tend to major in Econ and still wind up getting phenomenal jobs. Michigan’s large alumni network is really second to none. While it wasn’t the first choice for any of my kids and isn’t for this one, I know they would’ve been set had they gone there, or if this one ends up there.

The only thing I would be hesitant about this year is how they dealt with Covid and what is still going on with the freshmen next semester. I don’t know if the issue is resolved but last I heard they were not letting freshmen return to campus next semester. Of course some will live off campus, but regardless, a school like Michigan has the resources to do a better job when so many other large schools have done so. This has infuriated a lot of alumni. I know there was some compromising but I’m not sure enough to satisfy the students and parents and people are really upset.


This is a question I have as well. My son completely missed the Ross Portfolio item (and to be fair when I looked over his status it said ‘complete’ so I did too. So will he be evaluated for LSA EA and then Ross RD?

I applied to LSA and Ross but I submitted my portfolio on time so both applications for me are EA. However, there is no place on my Ross portal that says EA whereas on my LSA portal it says I qualify for EA. My guess is that if your son submits his portfolio before January, he will still be considered for Ross “EA” (Ross is technically rolling admission from what I’ve heard).

Here is what the Ross page says in terms of being considered for Ross. Looks like you need to get that portfolio in to be considered for Ross as it appears he will only be considered for EA LSA and as bawbroncos21 said RD for Ross.

Yes, that is what I assumed. He doesn’t have time to work on this portfolio as he only has a week left of school for the quarter and midterms to study for so his focus now MUST BE school. However, once his exams end he’ll be able to do this portfolio.

Yeah, looks like he has until February 1 at this point and better to have a great portfolio than to just hastily throw something together now! Good luck to him!

Pre-Covid EA, LSA would give you an applicant an answer of acceptance, deferral or rejection before Xmas. Previous dates of EA decisions are posted above, but matter not this year.

If accepted during EA, pre-Covid, then the Ross preferred applicant would have heard an answer either on or around 2/1, 3/1, 4/1 or mid-April at the latest.

If deferred by LSA during EA, pre-Covid (and now as well), then a Ross preferred applicant would have to wait until they’ve been accepted by their home school, then potentially hear their Ross answer in the next Ross “wave” after acceptance to their home school, at the earliest. The longer the wait for a home school acceptance, the possibility of getting into Ross decreases.

With Covid potentially delaying EA answers until late January, then that’ll likely backup your Ross answer. Watch the Ross BBA Admissions blog page for decision dates to be posted, but the earliest decision date for Ross will be “February” according to Ross.

Yes, you can be accepted into LSA, but not Ross.

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decisions not coming out between Christmas and New Years, their office are closed! I heard 3rd week of January

Good luck to everyone!! I am a freshman at Michigan and couldnt be happier. I am happy to answer any questions!!

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Totally agree with this assessment and what I’ve been told.

With UofM accepting self-reported scores on the CommonApp this year and with the CommonApp asking for highest SAT section scores (rather than composites of two or more test sittings) does anyone think that this year, potentially, is a superscoring year, even if only by CommonApp self-reporting default (for lack of better terminology)?

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I really want Michigan to send out decisions before January because I really don’t want to fill out many other college applications for regular decision