University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

wait, why?


Idk, I’m just speculating.

I know at 3:01 PM EST I’m getting slammed here. :innocent:


I feel like its always 2:57-2:58 lol


I think some people are getting their decisions next Friday!


I went back to the 2024 thread and no one even talked about the withdraw button stuff smh

I think it has. I’m international and I have the button and so do 3 of my friends

No debt is good debt :wink:

Every time you post, there is a flurry of people responding lol

I have it too and I’m not international

I don’t have it and I’m in the US

There was no talk about withdraw buttons in any of the previous waves either lol

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What I find interesting is that I’m seeing a lot of people who have already been accepted to some of the best colleges in the US, yes, YOU, @MonicaMaria and others. :grinning:

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I know… I really like Berkeley, but I am in love with UMich. Don’t blame me for loving this school and stressing about their decision :sob:


Nah, I just think you’re all really smart and worked hard to get to the college of your choice.

My D21 was rejected to several top schools, but she’s going to Cal Poly SLO in the Fall and that’s her #1 anyway.

Honestly I am really surprised with Berkeley’s acceptance. This is such a hard school to get into for international students + after waitlist at UCSB and UCLA I was shocked haha (I am extremely grateful though of course)

Which is worse…rejection or waitlist? :thinking:

But what did the source code look like. LOL!!!

A couple hours, people.

If the funds are there for your parents, I’d pick UMich, and that’s what D18 did.