University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

this is my favorite line on college confidential. thank you.

Thanks for the info!

Just enough speculation to last as long as your class nothing else :joy:

some updates concerning the “withdraw application” (on the portal)
It has disappeared for some of us but not all
(But you probably saw that an hour ago tho)

Yes! But the thought is that some people are getting their decisions today and others are not.

No it isn’t. Not even close. Go where you won’t have debt.

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I think we should also note that a large majority of people that still have the withdraw button are international, and earlier in this forum someone mentioned something about US citizens getting their decisions first. I’m inclined to believe that the withdraw button has nothing to do with the decision, and more to do with the timing, as it would be very abnormal if most people accepted end up being international students.

you are wrong. way more internationals don’t have it. I think me and only one more person has it right now.

Has anyone called admissions today? Curious to see if they’re admitting whether or not a round is being released at 3:00 today.

I have the withdraw button, is this a good sign?

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we don’t know. are you international?

Now there’s this poll on the RD thread now lol

Nothing to see here :eyes:

I have the withdraw button and I’m not international.

Wait are all the decisions coming out today?

we literally have no clue. the only thing of interest is that some people have the withdraw button and some do not

it seems that way more people dont have the button based on the poll results. around 20% have the withdraw.

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looks like withdraw button has nothing to do with internationality

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why does it look like an acceptance rate to me…?:flushed:


Decisions in 15 min ?