University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

So first off cost is an issue for most families so make sure your family can cleanly afford the cost of Michigan. The winters except for this one have been kinda mild for Midwest standards and it’s nice to experience different seasons :cloud_with_snow::snowflake::wink:

Michigan is top 10 in like 45 majors. Avg GPA is high along with Act. You can become whomever you want to become. It is also not just a national brand it’s an international brand.

You have only great choices so you can’t go wrong.


Thanks so much! You’ve been so helpful. I just always get worried about making the wrong choices though UMich feels right.

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If there’s a Class of 2025 UM person or parent that has committed and understands the different dorm room types or knows where there is any kind of real description of such please respond. What is on the UM site is not that specific and too wide of a variance.


hi! has anyone received a scholarship through the LSA scholarship application/ Four Year Renewable Scholarship as of yet? When do they notify students about it?

Pretty sure they’re not doing triples or quads. I THINK they’re not. But they are doing singles and doubles. Singles are when you have your own room there might be an option to have your own bathroom as well I’m not sure. Then economy double and double are just 2 beds in one room and you just use the communal bathroom. Not sure if that’s what you were looking for ? But hope it helped

Thanks, it helps a little, but here’s the confusion. They haven’t updated pricing yet for 21-22 so based on this year the range for the dorms is about $7,800-$16,100 which is quite extreme. What does 9k get you? Also, I believe you’re correct about no quads, not sure about triples. They are only doing 80% capacity.

Rate type 1 rooms (16k) - include double in 4 person apartment - do freshmen live in these? I thought I sorted out only freshman housing but maybe I didn’t do it correctly. Also included is Double with shared 4 person bath. No clue if this is considered private bath that kids have to clean or not. I assume so. In any case this rate has 6 options.

Rate type 2 - 14k+ 15 options, including “Single” so I assume that’s single and community bath since it doesn’t say anything about a bath. Also says single in 7 person bi-level suite with shared bath. What is that? Like a townhouse or something? Doubles are listed here too in all versions. 15 options in this rate my head is spinning. I’m not doing a private bath on the assumption my son isn’t cleaning it and I’m not paying for housekeeping.

Type 3 - 13k+ 2 room double? Maybe that’s good? 10 options thought, triples are listed here,6 person suites are listed, but maybe rooms are different. double in a 7 person suite? that room does not make sense to me. Maybe one is a single room.

Type 4 - 12k double so is this double in a lesser quality room than type 3, do we know what that means? double suite - sounds better than a double but same price, lol. 15 options

Lastly Type 5 - 10k+ options only quad and triple but sounds like those are not an option for next year. He hasn’t been able to see what the housing options online are yet to choose, I think we will have to email to get that so maybe it will actually be more updated but seriously this can give anyone a headache and this is my 4th kid so it’s not like I haven’t done housing before. I figured random meant random, lol!

I called the Financial Aid office and they said “by the end of April” and that students would get an email notification if they receive a scholarship.

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They used to have diagrams of all of this. If it says bath then you get a private bathroom and most likely air-conditioning. My son had a 2 bedroom but in a triple 4 years ago and there was so much room we got him a futon from Target in Ann Arbor. He ended up in West Quad.

Some people need /want singles.

Bi level means 2 levels… Lol…

When you call and ask report back… They made it more confusing. It used to be pretty simple actually.

Right? Why over-complicate things? Covid made it more so also and they clearly haven’t updated the website to say which rooms aren’t available next year. But I do remember my son saying no quads which is fantastic and I would think no triplets as well as @maybecollege1 said. I tried calling housing yesterday and got an auto recording and they say to email. I am the queen of emailing as it’s generally more efficient, but with this it isn’t. So I have to deal with that.

Next, trying to find out what classes he might have to take first semester that would be so big they would be remote as that is now the next thing I am hearing. They’re having a lot of larger classes remote and no intention of having them change. That is surprising since so many other schools have already announced in person and are making the effort to find the space to make the accomodations. Not great for what I’ll be paying.

That said though I did look up Eng100 and that seems like they only put about 60 students in a class so I hope that’s in person. Haven’t been able to view the course roster yet but hopefully his wolverine access will be fully activated for that stuff by now.

This is why I think it’s a good thing to pay the deposit and move forward. Doors open up for these other things and you can start viewing stuff for the fall. Dealing with switching to a waitlist school and the unfamiliarity of all this stuff is really stressful. Unless it’s Northwestern which is in our backyard so much easier since no travel arrangements and he really wants to go even though their CS and Engineering is not better (it would really be about size at that point), then I am going to strongly discourage my kid from taking any acceptance offered to him as a result of a waitlist.

Thank you!!

i was told “early April” in early March… THAT is annoying… Not enough time to compare and decide by May 1 if they balk…

Large Chem class then they breakdown to like 25 with a TA. So it should be on their website… Physics but not that huge. Psych can be large… Math tends to be smaller then people would assume. Etc.

Yeah, I saw the Chem and Physics lectures are remote, but pretty sure he won’t be needing Chem and Physics will all depend how he does on the AP tests. There are also only 3 sections of Physics E&M 1 is in person, so maybe he would shoot for that. He is more likely to get a 5 on Mechanics either way, so I might have him sign up for E&M to grab that spot and then he can always drop it if he gets the 5. The nice thing this year is that his AP Physics Exams are 3 weeks apart, except he has Physics the same day his has Stats, although he’d much rather get the 5 on Physics than Stats!

FYI. Regardless what you come up with he will go over his schedule with his advisor during orientation. That is when his schedule is done…

Do you guys think that every class will be in person in the fall if things get better? Like for example we are all vaccinated? I thought that UMich was coming back in the fall with no remote but you guys are saying otherwise. For some reason I recall getting an email from them saying that they are going to be in person.

No one knows but you can email or call. The theory is that the very large classes will still be remote but pretty much everything else will be live like labs, TA sessions etc. All schools will be doing something similar no matter what they tell you now. You will most likely still need to wear masks when in groups or inside etc.

I just popped on this thread quickly to check in and I see a lot of talk about housing and classes.

We have a kid who’s still trying to pick what college he’ll be at in the fall. If he doesn’t make up his mind until the end of April, will he be disadvantaged at Michigan in terms of selecting housing or classes?

He’s narrowed it down to 4 schools and we are going to make a spring break trip to check out some campuses. Trying to understand housing, etc at 4 schools is making my head spin!

No disadvantage. My son didn’t get his housing assignment like in August or something like that (it’s 4 years ago so I forgot), and he still landed on central in the room type that he wanted…

But more importantly… How do we convince you Michigan is the school for him… Lol?. This is a Michigan thread after all… :wink:

Also class’s are done at his orientation which for my son was in August and he got all his classes.

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