University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

Yesterday, my daughter got an email telling her she did not get the scholarship she had applied when she was accepted back in December(EA). We are OOS and don’t qualify for FA. Unfortunately, she will have to reject her spot.
I’m thankful for this group. We learned a lot. We visited Ann Harbor a few weeks ago and loved it. The school is beautiful but it just didn’t work out for us! Best of luck to everyone.

It really comes down to fit and feel and what you can afford. Ross is a special program with the rank to match but no school is worth going into major debt over or reaching into retirement funds etc. If he can take out the standard approx $2500 /4 years. If your able to afford something over that, that is comfortable then I would think it’s worth it. Companies come to Michigan since they know what their getting in general. It is competitive in nature. But they tend to get great jobs and they aren’t shy to tell you that… Lol


Question, do you know if people who are admitted to LSA can try and get into Ross to earn a BBA?

It used to be that when you were rejected by Ross as a First Year applicant, you couldn’t apply again as a transfer. But now it appears that, as a transfer applicant, previous applicants who were rejected can re-apply for transfer to Ross, but priority is given to first-time BBA applicants.

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This might be what your looking for. They don’t take a lot (says it somewhere there), and of course it’s competitive

You also have the minor again competitive

This minor is great and my son did it. In normal times it’s in the Ross building.

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It took us about a week. My son committed on the 6th and we received it earlier this week.

Yes there is a group for 2025 called accepted but not committed and one called committed class of 2025.

Note they are not official school run pages, some are run by parents, some are that stupid Humanity of University group so just be aware of that and don’t share pictures or really personal information.

Yes, I have heard of rejections in yesterday’s last round of Ross decisions.

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This just in…

Sports update: Michigan just won the 2021 National Women’s gymnastics championship.


For Michigan Housing application, does anyone know for South, West, East Quad - what room types/rates are there? The housing website doesn’t seem to include that information. Don’t want son to pick bad configuration (ex: two room double with private bath) if that isn’t even a configuration option for the central campus dorms. Appreciate any insight! Thank you!

Thank you for the info

I think suites are mainly on North Campus.

Does anyone know if U-M is requiring COVID vaccines for all students for the fall?

I see on the web (as of March 12, 2021, from the “Office of the President, Additional Q&A from Briefings” page), that students are “strongly encouraged,” to get a COVID vaccine, but it does not say they are required…

Yes. They are required unless you have a medical excuse. Is this a problem?

COVID-19 vaccine to be required for students choosing to live on campus | University of Michigan News.

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Thank you for the info!

The article says that only students choosing to live on campus at U-M are required to be vaccinated, and others (faculty, staff, and students living off campus) are strongly encouraged to do so.

By contrast, I saw in the news that all students, faculty, and staff who will be on campus at the California schools will be required to be vaccinated.

I know opinions vary widely, but if you look at the issue of setting up a school for the largest probability of success for having in person classes, that seems like a good start to me.

I do not mean to spark a political firestorm on the Shakespearean question (if you will) of “to vax or not to vax!” Just looking for information for our own decision making purposes.

Thanks again!

Good luck. Come summer you might find out it’s mandatory to get into the class halls. You have to show ID now of course. It will probably be you have to show your vaccine card or similar… Yes, it might be a mistake if people are coming off campus like 2 blocks away and are students not vaccinated.

A couple things here.

First, the UC’s here in CA will require vaccination only if the vaccine receives full FDA authorization and not just the EUA (Emergency Use Authorization). That should happen before the Fall, but isn’t guaranteed.

Second, obviously, the states of Michigan and California are NOT alike. Not even close. :wink:

Yes they’re requiring them of anyone living in residence halls. Hopefully they wind up going further than that because only 31% of students live in residence halls but their data shows that a lot of students have already provided proof of vaccination so most likely they will see much greater numbers and hopefully close to herd immunity there if a good amount of the remaining 69% get vaccinated.

I hope they expand it to be in dining halls, sporting events, (like the Dodgers just did today to sit in a certain section), large lecture halls, and other social groups. Taking my entering freshman for dose #2 tomorrow. So happy to say this will be our 6th family member vaccinated and we’ve all escaped without getting covid.

I don’t know the numbers but large amounts of students are getting vaccinated now around Ann Arbor and at Ford Field Detroit. This will only help for next year.

BTW was in Ann Arbor Friday and again tomorrow. Mask compliancy is extremely high even on Central Campus from what I saw.