University of Michigan EA Class of 2025

All we know is that the CDS states that OOS students represent 45% of the freshman class and OOS yield is lower than in-state yield.

And we know in past years, the overall EA acceptance rate was roughly 20% with the remainder being deferred and rejected. EA rejections are nearly non-existent here on CC, which skews high stat IMO.

Lastly, from the LA Times article linked above, EA apps have increased this year.

that all makes sense. thank you so much for the thorough answer!

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Did anyone else get the most recent portal switch (not talking about the one from a few days ago)?

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what is the change

Both Enrollment Connect and Wolverine portals look the same to me

how do we see the wolverine portal

They are not the same for me

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you need to register an account with Wolverine Access

Please explain how they are different now, thank you

They are different software with completely different interface.

you need to be clearer with what you’re talking about. Does the enrollment portal look different to you than it did yesterday? Does the wolverine access portal look different than it did from yesterday? Are you just saying that the enrollment portal and wolverine access portal look different?

And what exactly is the switch? How does the portal look “different” to you?

Looks the same to me

enrollment portal switched. looks different to me now

In what way? What looks different to you?

You mean the dark back ground with a message in big fonts saying decision is in processing?

If the enrollment connect is being reference to it looks the same to me. I don’t think the colors of portals would indicate anything :joy:

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i think once we start analyzing the color of the admission portal, we may need to take a break from college confidential for the day haha. good luck to everyone!


No kidding, people have been talking about the color for a while :slight_smile:

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On wolverine access - new and prospective business - application status

and inspect element do you guys see ADM_APPL_PROG_ADMIT_TERMl?

This probably dont mean anything but it might?!

A detective is in the room :grinning: :sweat_smile: