University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

Thank you! I guess that shouldn’t surprise me. They don’t even approve their budget and tuition prices until mid to late June which is crazy as some people have already paid their first installment payment. I’m bracing myself for the amount.

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Yep, there’s definitely a lack of transparency for whatever reason.

So, usually, the “student profile” is updated in the summer months, say around the July-August time period. Link here:

Just basic info only. The 2021-2022 CDS will be posted around October, which I believe is what @wiscokat alluded to above.

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yes, that is what I meant. I would only be guessing for the reasons, but don’t think the deferred students play in to it in this case (except for lowering the spaces available for our grad year) since the University now just counts them in the freshman totals.

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Last year’s tuition increase was “low,” only about a 1.9% increase, IIRC. I’d expect 3% increase (typical) this year to be approved by the board. Of course, Purdue has held their tuition at the same amount for about the last 100 years (hyperbole). DOH!

Illinois also shockingly doesn’t raise their tuition much and even when they do, what you pay freshman year, you pay all 4 years.

UT prices came out and my daughter’s tuition only went up like $200 for the entire year.

The transparency is really annoying with them. With admissions, with this, with the WL for those waiting. I don’t get what their issue is. If it’s disogranization, too many cooks in the kitchen, just the size of the school, or what? Advising at least has been impressive so they are definitely NOT disorganized thankfully.

The State of Michigan isn’t helping matters:

Michigan is almost a private school at this point.

Yep, this means you and I will be paying more as OOS people and considering they charge the same as an Ivy League, they might as well be private. UVA is similar as well but also Wisconsin is outrageously high too.

Get your sports tickets now. As stated Basketball is a different animal because you can’t possibly go to all the games and actually do school. They will just buy them from people. They post them. For parents you can get tickets through Michigan, stubhub and the like. 2 years ago I got Michigan vs Ohio State through a parent here… Lol…

As far as wait list. Move on… Stay if you want to but it’s June 11th. The chances of getting off are extremely small so hopefully your excited about where your going to.

Michigan was just ranked the number 1 Public again in the world so there’s that also. Good Luck

I hate those #1 public things because it’s honestly the individual programs that mean more to me and how good your program is, but that may be me.

I saw someone post somewhere that tuition is going down but I find that 100% hard to believe. I guess we will see in the next week or so.

They have the weirdest ticket system I have ever seen but hands on deck. My kiddo is ready to get up early and just buy them and be done. I feel bad for the West Coasters who have to get up at 530 to buy them. He heard that football doesn’t sell out the first day but not taking any chances. Just getting them and moving on.

I agree re waitlist. I think if it’s true that UM overenrolled then it’ll take a lot for any movement to occur. It’s not impossible but they’re deep into registration and sending out housing contracts. Now we’re moving onto dorm stuff. Got our Cubs flag :), next up are Bears and Michigan, lol. So much easier for boys than to worry about all the photos and pictures and posters that cost $50/each!

Just bragging rights… Lol. Get the tickets early. Crazy year and everyone will want them…

He’s hoping to. That’s his job. I just pay the bills.

Just purchased football and basketball. Website was very laggy, but reminded son that going to a large school entails bureaucratic hassle, whether human or machine!

Well… Just shows you… Lol… Your not the only one buying tickets… Lol. My friends daughter was planning on buying the second it went live…

Here’s to hoping it will be at 100% capacity!

My son bought his too plus hockey just to be done with it. He noticed they go almost a full month without a home game from Sept-Oct too. (sept 25-oct 23). So that’s actually not a bad thing since they can get their bearings with studying and what not, although that also means 4 Saturdays in a row of games in September where they’ll have to plan accordingly.

Ohio State he’ll be selling and it’s nice you can sell to anyone, even a non student. UT you can transfer but it’s only to a UT student.

He had to wait a long time in the waiting to pay area, but it sounds like a lot of people are having issues so I’m not complaining at all. He said one person said they got booted out and then when they got back in he couldn’t get basketball so who knows if that means that was sold out. What a cluster.

@Knowsstuff The site clearly couldn’t handle everyone logging in and trying to buy tickets. Of course that’s what happens when 7k+ people try to buy tickets for an event at the same time. Like a concert. I just had to do this a few weeks ago for my daughters for Lollapalooza for the Saturday night which sold out right away since one was working and as you know the other is in Israel (yes, having the time of her life as you probably also know :slight_smile: )

For waitlist people this is another reason that you may want to move on and truly focus on your deposited school. Another thing missed. Classes filling up. Housing contracts coming out every week. It’s a hard transition to show up in the middle of this and play catch up. Michigan wasn’t initially my kid’s first choice, but he turned his focus on them and got excited to attend and learned what he could so that he could have the best experience. Doesn’t mean he will, but he has no regrets about the other school and has no interest in transferring or attempting to transfer, etc. He’s moved on.

just curious, anyone from sports management has received their result about the SMI program so far?

no word yet here for SMI. gotta be soon- but they will prob. wait till 7/1.

For those on the WL and thinking they’ll be shut out of housing or sports tickets, I wouldn’t worry too much. I think Housing will find you spot. My D sent her in housing app, almost 1st thing when the housing portal opened, and she was placed on or about 8/1. SO, they’re still screwing around finding places for students in late July/early August.

As for sports tickets, students are buying and selling them all the time. Even for the rivalry games like OSU, there should be ample opportunity to buy a ticket from another student. And it’s not like the student section is right at the 50 yard line anyway. They’re in the corner of the end zone.

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I agree, those things can be figured out and it’s temporary anyway. The following semester you are in the mix with the other kids getting their schedule. For us it’s a $120,000 WL. That may not matter to some but I am not in that situation. We will fully move on when rejected and that’s that.

I can only speak to our family’s situation and I’ve mentioned this before, but my D came in with a bunch of AP credits and will graduate a semester early. Had she not gotten a couple minors, she would have graduated a year early. She had no real class registration issues. That’s a nice “bonus,” coming from OOS (CA).

Also, coming from the SF Bay Area, off-campus housing and, just in general, COL is cheaper in A2 than here. So, while Michigan is much more expensive for us too, compared to the UC’s here in CA, I honestly can’t think of anything that’s been bad about D’s experience, even during Covid. Knock on wood. :grinning:

And now she’s got a couple jobs and will work there during the summer.

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I think only for Californians is AA cheap for off campus housing. Otherwise, just like every other college town, they gouge you for housing. The town itself may not be bad, but already seeing that I’m going to be paying as much there than I do at the other two college towns and each of those are more than the same thing in downtown Chicago actually, more now that I think about, than my son in SF is paying for more space too. That’s not a fun thought.

@catdoc This is true about being in the mix for registering however, one change is that AP credits won’t count for priority registration starting this year, so it will be an interesting experiment for next Spring when a lot of kids with AP credits can’t get into classes that in the past they would’ve gotten in but they fall so low down the block in registration that they are the ones locked out of classes. Mine is staying for 4 years regardless, but for those who want to move up and out in 3 years it is really going to impact them. Eventually they’ll catch up in a few semesters and be able to take what they need but perhaps not in time to graduate early and if they don’t want to pay to take classes they don’t need then who knows what will be. I just chalk it up to it is what it is and like anything people need to deal with it.

We’ll definitely have one OSU game to sell, and ofc any basketball games he takes over winter break as well. :slight_smile: It’s so chaotic but that’s college for ya and life returning to normal! :wink:

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