University of Michigan Waitlist Class of 2025

My cost comparison was with off campus housing near the UC’s, like Westwood, Berkeley, SLO, Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara. These are tight rental markets with low vacancy rates.

My D has a large beautiful new-ish apartment near UMich campus with free parking and her own bedroom and her own bathroom for less than $1,000/month. And it’s all very easy, especially for me. So many properties are available with all the new development.

I have some relatives that live in SF. Since the pandemic, there’s been an exodus to beach communities, like Santa Cruz, wine country or OOS. SF rents, both residential and commercial, have come down a lot from the peak years.

We just went through the ordering from Chipotle “game.” Basic Chipotle burrito in A2 is $7.35. That same burrito around my neighborhood is $8.50. 15% difference. Just one example.

Omg, that is so cheap. I’m definitely reaching out to you in a few months when I know I need to deal with that bs of an apartment. Who knows if my son will even have friends and the idea of him getting an apartment in October for next year. Bad enough when it’s girls, but for boys? Ugh.

Also, my personal preference is something newish because you never know what problems come with a dump (not to say there can’t be any with new) but that and researching landlords. Ithaca has the words landlords. My daughter is living in a new building. Senior year they’re already talking about where they’re living and the place she showed me looks like a serious fire hazard and total dump. I just can’t bless it. The push they’re making is the parking but I don’t care, she won’t have a car! It’s furnished and the furniture looks beyond nasty and I think I honestly feel like I want to put those plastic covers on it. You know like the kind our grandparents used to have on their furniture when we were younger so that no one ruined it, lmao.

My son in SF got his place for a steal when he went back in January. He’s paying half now what he was paying last year.

Oh edit, she just texted me that she doesn’t think they’ll be living there. They go the breakdown of the numbers from the current people and it doesn’t work out for one of the people who may join with them who only wants to spend $800/mo and the lowest rent now is $906 I think so bye bye. Thank god.

I live close to Wrigley in Chicago. The rents are comparable. Downtown Chicago would be much more then Ann Arbor. But living in any of the neighborhoods it’s about $800-909/person /month so just about the same as Ann Arbor. Sure you can spend $1500/month if you want to or more but don’t have to.

Haha… Just went with my son in Chicago and it’s a great hole in the wall place. Great food. Steak burrito is $11.00…lol. But worth every penny. Makes Chipotle look silly… Just saying…

Oh, I’m definitely not holding up Chipotle as the “standard bearer” of burritos or Mexican food. Not even close. It’s just an easy cost comparison for around the country. Heck, our gas here is almost $5/gallon.

Point is. From a Californian’s perspective when comparing the UC’s vs a school like Michigan, there’s a COL difference, which is beneficial to going OOS. At least from this sample of one.

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Is there any update on the waitlist? When can we expect one, if there hasn’t been any until now

An email went out - it stated that they now have the information they need to send out responses to wait listed candidates - they said they are on target for end of June to finalize the movement on the lists - they encouraged all to continue with back up plans but that as promised response will be sent by end of June.

I didn’t get the email, checked the spam box, it is not for everyone on the waitlist, or it is just me that didn’t receive the email?

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I didn’t get any email either

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Have some already gotten off the waitlist, or are they emailing everyone at once?

Went out to who? Admissions counselors or applicants.

I didn’t receive this email. Would you mind pasting the text of it in this thread?

I think he is talking about the new format of email. I asked my AO and received this email:

Thanks for your email. You can expect a final decision from us by the end of the month at the latest. We will notify you via email when a decision has been made.

No, I don’t think anyone has gotten off the waitlist.

Any word yet for u?
This is such freakin bull at this point.

I searched last year’s threads.
SMI invite emails went out May 2.
They got a response June 11.
Screw UMich. Such BS

Last year was an anomaly because of the emergence of Covid. You can’t base anything off of last year. This year is odd too, but not comparable to last year.


Do you guys think we’ll get any news today?

No - all of the admissions officers at U Mich say the end of the month - so it will be 2 weeks from now - its tough to wait but at least its only 2 weeks away and not 2 months…hang in there!