University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Today S22 got Scholarship Letter in his Doc. Center with academic scholarship


Congratulations! How long between admit letter and merit letter?

Log into the Pitt mobile portal site and look under the admissions tab and click the accept/decline subheading. It will say something like “you have no admissions to accept” or it will show the school and major you applied for and there will be an accept and a decline button so you can communicate your decision to them. The buttons will probably show up before before you get an email or letter on the document center.

Awesome!! Would you mind sharing stats?

Hi, I applied on 10/23 and my application was marked completed on 10/27. It has been 4 weeks since I submitted through the common application and I have yet to hear back. Has anyone else applied around this time and still waiting to hear back?

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How can you tell if your application is complete? Do you need to complete SRAR?

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My son received his scholarship letter in the document center today (was dated yesterday). He received a $10,000/year merit award. Unless something crazy happens(and we know that college admissions can be crazy!) and he doesn’t get into our state flagship, this probably isn’t enough to lure him to Pitt.


Glad it finally showed up! I’m going to have my kid check today.


My OOS kid applied on 10/17, completed SRAR a week later and received acceptance via Doc Center, yesterday 11/23.

I think you should hear soon! Good luck!

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DS applied 10/25. Application status in portal went from pending to Complete today. I don’t see any buttons and there aren’t any new docs in his document center. Is this a bad sign? Did anyone else have a lag between the app status going from complete to seeing the accept/decline buttons?

I got a 10k scholarship!! So excited!!


Congratulations!!! How did they notify you please?

Yes! The application switches to complete when they verify you have submitted everything they ask for, now it probably goes on to be reviewed I’m guessing.

Yep, the document center has his scholarship as well. $20k/year. Brings it to an affordable number for us.


OOS, 4.0 UW, 4.78W GPA, SAT 1570 (took once only), Rank - 1/200+
AP: Euro, Bio, USHis, EngLang, Phyc - all 5s
6 AP this year.
NM Commended
Sports, found club, reactivated club, volunteering, tutoring, coaching. Job for 3 years.
Leadership positions.

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11 days

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do you mind sharing stats of your son?

Just checked my application and it just switched to “complete”. I also have no buttons as of yet.

When did you complete application?

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OOS for engineering. 4.0UW, 4AP classes and IB diploma candidate.