University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

How do you get notified if you are rejected? Do you get an email or is it updated in the portal?

Just got acceptance letter!!! Yay!!!


Same deal here :wink:


Do you mind sharing your stats? Did you get an email or did you check the portal to find out?


got accepted yesterday to school of Nursing! Yay :tada:
Applied on 10/27 - 6 weeks to the day!


I got an email today which directed me to the acceptance letter. I am out of state, 34 ACT, 4.36 GPA, 8 AP classes overall, almost all other classes are honors level, looking to study Neuroscience :slight_smile: Good luck to everyone, this whole process is brutal.


First, GOOD LUCK to everyone who is waiting to hear about acceptances! I know how it feels waiting.

Acceptance Question: Those who have already accepted and applied to the Honors Program, did you receive merit $ yet? My D was accepted on 9/23 but still waiting to hear about merit $. She’s also applying for the GPA Program. Is her merit $ going to be coming later because of applying for Honors and the GPA and a decision hasn’t been made yet? We are OOS. Anyone know from experience or asking? My D was thinking about reaching out to a regional admissions counselor to ask, but thought I’d ask here first. Pitt is her top pick, and they are the only college that hasn’t sent her what merit $ she’ll be getting. She’d love to press that “Commit to Pitt” button that pops up in all her emails…but we won’t let her until we see how much the total cost will be compared to the other schools. Stats: Class Rank 5th/363, 4.6 weighted GPA, 3.8 unweighted, all Honors and AP courses, lots of extracurriculars, leadership roles and awards, athlete-crew

Congrats to her! My D22 was accepted in mid-September. She did apply to the Honors College. We have not heard about merit. She is in-state. I understand what you are asking and I think it’s a smart situation to consider. All I know for sure is Pitt says that they continually consider applicants for merit until March. A student can be considered several times before a decision on an award is made.

Recently on this thread, it was established that Pitt said it is not considering scores for merit this year. However, I would guess that the Honors College would consider scores if they are available. Any other thoughts on this?

This thought bothers me because my D has a 32 superscore. She does have a 3.9 uw and a 4.7 w, but I do not know if that score is Honors material at Pitt. I am unsure of what to think.

My DD applied in mid-October and was accepted in mid-November, including acceptance into the GAP for law. She also applied for the Honors College. It’s been nearly a month since her acceptance and so far she has not received a merit offer nor any mention of Honors.
GPA 3.9 UW, 4.7 W, ACT 33.

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My son applied in October, and was accepted and got merit. He applied for honors as well, but not to GAP. He was admitted to bioengg, and was given guaranteed admission to masters. Honors decision seems to be independent of merit. GAP in other discipline, esp. med may be connected with current merit considerations, i.e., they may be looking at all GAP med together at later time - this is only a guess though. In any case, their merit decisions are taken all the way until March, and there’s a very good chance given her stats that she will get it. All the very best!

My kid too! I have no idea if he’s done what he needs to do.

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My son was accepted (business and also GAP program for MBA) on 10/25. He did apply to the Honors College also. He received merit on 11/23, I believe. OOS, GPA 4.0 UW/5.7 W, 1520 SAT, 15 AP’s (10 completed and 5 this year), Varsity Soccer, FBLA, chess club and some others, not much in the way of leadership.
As somebody else mentioned, they do keep awarding merit until March. With your daughter’s stats, it would seem that she may still be in the running for some type of merit (unless her major happens to be CS - they seem to not give much merit at all based upon information in these forums). Best of luck! Waiting on decisions and then merit is the worst!

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My S19 applied in August of 2019, accepted shortly after and merit awarded by October. He was invited to GAP (didn’t apply). He was waitlisted at Harvard and Columbia so he didn’t commit to Pitt until end of July but he was still granted his original merit scholarship. He entered the Honors College second semester freshman year (long story) but took mostly all honors classes 1st semester. Not sure if his story helps but his merit came super early but he didn’t actually accept it until 3 weeks before fall move-in. So anything is possible.

On a side note about the Honors College. It’s really not all that at Pitt. His mentor has been MIA for nearly 3 years now. He’s arranged some meetings with other mentors who have just reiterated information that is available on their website. Events are scant and a lot are scheduled during class times. You can apply for research money via the HC but so can anyone else at Pitt and research opportunities are endless at Pitt… but you have to work hard to find them on your own. Also anyone can take Honors classes not just HC students. Take a VERY CLOSE look at the required Honors OCC. If your student is not interested in doing all these extra out-of-the-classroom activities don’t apply to Honors. They can become a pain when you have a hard course schedule and/or if you want to double major or minor. He’s on track with his OCC but frankly his classes and research are his priority not the OCC required domains.
Graduating from the Honors College will look good on his applications for med/grad school but he says he probably wouldn’t have bothered applying as he is maintaining a 4.0 with the majority of Honors classes, he is a key researcher in 2 different research projects, he’s involved with 2 honor societies including Phi Beta Kappa, a couple of Pitt medical clubs and volunteers at the VA. Plus now he’s cheering on the girls volleyball and football teams!! H2P!!! There is little time for the OCC :slight_smile:


On the PS Mobile site under the admissions tab, I now have an option that says “Accept/Decline Admissions” but it says that I don’t have any pending applications at this time. I think that this means that they have made a decision, but does anyone know how long it will take for the buttons to change for when they make a decision?

You must have something in your DOC center…at least that is what I have gleaned from reading these posts. Take a look.

No new documents…

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If it says that you don’t have any pending applications, it means that they are still reviewing your application and have not yet made a decision. It’s kind of a weird way to say that, but that’s what it means. You will know when a decision has been made because when you click on “Accept/Decline Admissions”, the “no pending applications” part will be be replaced by the school to which you have been admitted, your major, and the term. Underneath of those items will be two blue buttons: one that says “Accept” and one that says “Decline.”


Okay, I have a few questions:

  1. I submitted my application for the Chancellor’s and Nordenberg scholarship around Nov. 15th. Does anyone have an average on how long it takes to hear if you’ve been considered or not?

  2. Out of curiosity, does first-Gen fall under the diversity scholarship or no? I would think so, but they don’t specify. Just wanted to see about that.

Finally! Accept/decline buttons appeared today for my son, applied 10/27, OOS engineering. Nothing in document portal yet.


Do you actually get an email telling you that you were accepted or not? A letter? Or do you just have to watch for those buttons (accept/decline)?

Has anyone who applied 10/30 heard? I heard they go in chronological order from when you applied.