University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

4.0 UW, 4.65 Weighted. 11 AP courses. All 4 and 5
1550 SAT
National Merit semifinalist


DD applied mid-October, accepted mid-November to Dietrich school and GAP for law. Notified today of $10K/year merit aid.

OOS, large public hs, 3.9 UW/4.7 W and 33 ACT


Thanks for sharing, those stats are almost identical to my D22 and give me hope. Although, her ACT is a 32. Same for the gpas, though. Also Gap Law. We are in state though

Thanks for Sharing. My son has similar stats. OOS magnet HS 3.9 UW/4.7 W and 1490 SAT. We applied on 29 Nov. Hope to hear may be the end of Jan (fingers crossed)

Thanks for the info - just checking to make sure: you did submit your ACT score?

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I want to help with another data point:

D22 applied 9/30, acceptance in 2 weeks (Dietrich biology major with GAP to public health $5000 per year for Master) and merit ($5000 per year) came in another 2 weeks.

SAT 1550
GPA 4.0 UW/4.83 W
8 APs (2 sophomore year, 4 junior year, 2 senior year)

We are kind of disappointed with the merit amount, but it doesn’t matter now.


We saw the admit/decline buttons on Wed and then the admit letters in his portal yesterday. Applied on 10/27.

This forum helped keep us informed and calm :slight_smile: thank you!


Yes, DD did submit her score.

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Does anybody know how good is Pitt’s chemistry? thanks.

The Pitt chem dept. good. I can tell you my D19 considered majoring in Chem but as a pre-med decided on a double major Neuroscience/Philosophy (Pitt is world-renowned for this) with a minor in Chemistry. A couple of reasons:

  1. The majority of Pitt Chem majors are NOT pre-med students. They are in Chemistry for the other reasons.
  2. The Chem track is very rigid with all the required labs attached to the classes so he would not have been able to double major in something else or minor and graduate in 4 years.
  3. There are many pre-med classes he wanted to explore and it would not have been easy to do as a Chem major.

If you are only interested in Chemistry as a pre-med it’s never a bad choice but make sure you are not possibly wanting to explore other pre-med opportunities such as Neuro. A lot of medical schools like to see a combinations of the sciences with a humanities type balance either with a double major or minor. In other words, they like well-rounded students. You will have to be very strategic in your course planning starting freshman year as a Chem major if you want to fit in any other classes at all.


Would love to hear more about Pitt’s Neuro/Phil programs. D22 might want to consider an MD/PhD program. He is interested in Neuro/Psych/Phil…essentially trying to find his path with mind, brain, behavior. We’ve been reading up on The Brain Institute and Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition (CNBC). All so fascinating!!!


My daughter is interested in Nuero/psych and was just accepted, also premed. Any advice on what or wh we should contact or see for more information when we visit in the coming months?

Thank you for your advice!

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Has anyone who applied OOS around 11/5 heard? my kid still waiting.

OOS, Applied 10/25, Accepted 11/21; Waiting to hear about merit $$$. Good luck.


Applied 10/30 and haven’t heard. In-state and I believe she has the stats…

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My daughter has almost identical stats. OOS, applied right at the deadline so no acceptance yet. Will be interesting to see if she gets any merit, as Pitt encourages early applications, which she obviously didn’t do.

and @jgt7448 S19 has found the advising at Pitt subpar so he has learned to navigate his scheduling literally on his own. However you need to attend required meetings (usually virtual) before you can schedule. He attends armed with his plan and they basically listen, LOL. However your kiddos can start by finding the neuro, psych and phil major requirements on the Pitt website. Add in the required gen ed classes for Dietrich and come up with a breakdown of every semester. They will find that it is EXTREMELY helpful to select gen ed requirements that might cross off more than one domain and/or major requirement. Also remember at Pitt you “pay” for 12 credits but can take up to 18 (basically 6 free credits) every semester. Also, some classes at Pitt are only offered in fall and/or spring. You can discover this better if you look on the psmobile course schedule and look at BOTH semester of the class you are looking for to figure this out. And of course you can email and ask someone in the department. This become very important if you want to double major and minor. My S19 is really on top of things but I still help him with his scheduling. If there is any benefit at all to the Honors College it is being able to schedule early as some classes do fill up.


@caz0743 such awesome advice - thank you…the planning and the parenting never ends :wink:

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Thank you