University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Just to offer a point for reference, here are my stats and the merit I recieved:

35 ACT
4.6 GPA
12 APs
NHS Officer
Varsity Sport
State/Regional Awards

$5k a year (The later you apply the less you receive, and I was accepted in early Nov)

DD was admitted on 12/09/21 - we haven’t received scholarship or financial aid info yet. Does this mean she is unlikely to get merit aid?

In what state do you live?

OOS, applied 10/29 and haven’t heard back. Any thoughts on when it will be?

Probably mid to late January. I applied 11/8 and haven’t heard back either. Many people told me it was because of the winter break as well as new years and other holidays. Best of luck!

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Thank you!! You as well!

Not PA.

From what I understand, admission, Honors College decisions, and merit aid are all completely separate steps. I wouldn’t lose hope for merit aid yet. I think Honors College decisions are likely to come in February or so. Not sure about merit money timing. The Honors College timing and staged/separate decisions for the different topics is what I was told directly by an admissions officer in November when we were on campus.

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We were told the same when we visited the campus as well. Merit awards would keep coming for a long time, as several awardees would commit somewhere else. Good luck!

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I hope so. My DS hasn’t heard anything about merit yet. He has gotten merit at several other schools and without merit from Pitt, it is not going to make sense for him. His stats were similar to others who did get merit and he applied in September, so I’m not sure what happened.

So I applied 11/1 and have not heard a word. Are decisions happening soon? Is there a chance this week they come out? Also what time of day are they likely to come out?

My daughter was accepted into the School of Nursing in October. Last month she was invited to apply for the UPMC(University of Pittsburgh Medical Center) Scholars program which would cover tuition if selected. Does anyone have any knowledge of this program or how many students they actually select? Pitt is her number one choice so I’m hopeful :crossed_fingers:t4:


Congratulations, I’ve never heard of this program!


“The UPMC Scholars Program is a commitment between the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) to increase diverse nursing talent.”

It’s free tuition (probably not housing) and you make a 3 year work commitment to a UPMC Facility after graduation.


Aren’t decisions made on a rolling basis? I’d suggest checking your portal and making sure they aren’t waiting on something from you.

Same here, I applied 10/29, OOS.

Thanks for this info. @caz0743 @berry0720 , sounds like a terrific opportunity for a scholarship and guaranteed employment!

my kid is still waiting. applied around the same time you did

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I guess that’s why I’m cautiously optimistic. I’m assuming only a select few are chosen and no idea of the stats for those previously selected. No merit aid offered to date so this may be her final opportunity. Thankfully they’ve indicated she’ll have an answer within next couple weeks if moving to next round, which is a Zoom interview.

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Sounds at least somewhat competitive. We are also waiting for mid-January. That is when my D22 was told she will find out if she has continued on to the 2nd round of the Stamps/Nordenberg process. Her first interview was a zoom call. I am really looking forward to finding out either way what will happen with these because it dictates how we consider the other schools she’s been/will be accepted to. It’s too great of an opportunity not to seize it if offered!