University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

That means you got in! The admissions letter should follow soon. You should get an e-mail that says to check the document center for a new document.

I would think everyone has it, no? She just applied mid December. I cant imagine they went through it already. Also, it doesn’t let you commit when you press it.

It doesn’t mean you got in, it’s been there for me since the day I got my login info.

That’s what I figured. It’s very misleading though. Leads you to a welcome video and payment button. It really shouldn’t be there.

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I think you got in. We dont have the ‘commit to pit’ button,

Are you sure? It’s in the document center link under the document with other links like “contact” “financial aid” etc…

Yea–NO I am not sure. My DD keeps her portals locked down so I have only seen it a few times, but I have not noticed. Maybe it is as misleading as others say. She applied in late OCT and has heard NADA.

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My S applied in August and heard back in like ten days. But he informed me that a friend who applied in late October just heard back. The school has received double the applications it did at this point last year.

She also applied Test option (no scores submitted) and i wonder if that slows down their apps a bit.

I don’t think that would, but I know not self reporting high school record (SSAR I think) definitely slows it down.

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So, does it seem like we will hear back this week if we applied in late October or early November?

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Not sure but I really hope so… It’s been like 9-10 weeks for me since submission

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Would it be okay to call them and ask about my admissions decision? I applied 11/8 and no response.

I know a few people who have applied 11/1 and not gotten a response. I don’t think it can hurt to ask!? I think they just must have gotten a huge number of applications. :neutral_face:

Do you know anyone who applied 11/1 and got a response already?

No! I don’t. My daughter applied 10/28 and heard many weeks ago.

Applied 11/8 and haven’t heard back. I called them today and they said some November applications were delayed and we will hear back most likely in late January to early February.

Best of luck to everyone in this pool and hope this helps.


thx! that’s when my kid did too. appreciate the update


Son just told me he got email to check the doc center last night. Acceptance letter dated 1/7. Had applied evening of 11/1. CofEngineering.


Son applied on 11/1 and received the acceptance letter just now. OOS, Arts & Sciences (bio major), and applied with test scores. Good luck everyone!