University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Watch the video on the admissions website. Tons more applications this year

I saw that (65% more) but still seems like a long time…

It’s definitely long for Pitt, but they have explained their situation well, I think

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Admitted to Pittsburgh today for Computer Science.
Applied 11/8
ID Notification document 11/10
Admittance document 1/26
High stats but no scholarships, OOS. Why?

Also, was it competitive to get into CS at Pitt this year? Are there acceptance rates posted by any chance?


If you read earlier in the thread, CS applicants have received very little merit this year.

That said, merit rarely comes with acceptance with Pitt, so it may come later for you.

My DS got accepted as premed major. Is this good path without actual specific major? Upitt didn’t ask any specific major other than premed.

hey, what date had you applied?

how have people who applied later in november ,which is after I submitted my application, got a decision before me ? Does anyone know how the application process works? Because I thought it’s rolling so it’s first come first serve basis so ideally if i submitted first , Shldn’t I receive a decision first?

CS is a very competitive major at Pitt. Merit starts being awarded in Oct and goes through Feb I believe. A student can be considered for merit several times in this process.

No merit is given with the acceptance.

Rolling admissions, yes, but that does not mean first come, first served. See if they are requesting anything from you that could be holding things up. Or call if you think it’s been too long. Watch the video they posted on admissions website too.


Pitt is top notch for any prehealth major because of quality of their programs AND because they are situated among numerous specialty hospitals .


Pitt main campus does not have a pre-med major. You can major in anything as long as you take the medical school app requirements to apply to med school. I believe the branch campuses may have a pre-med suggested “path” which is biology focused but it is not a specific major as other colleges may have.

The admission notice from Pitt was in the Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences for the Fall Term beginning Monday, August 29, 2022 with an intended field of study of Pre Medicine.
But it doesn’t indicate any major.

Maybe she applied undecided to the Dietrich School and clicked pre-med path.
She will have to pick a major. My S19 is a double neuroscience major and philosophy and a chem minor. Trust me, she’ll have to pick. One suggestion is if she’s interested in Chemistry, she will have to start that path immediately as a freshman to be able to graduate in 4 years. It’s a heavy major with lots of labs and very little wiggle room for scheduling mishaps.

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My kid applied 11/5 and also has not heard. Maybe diff colleges/ majors?

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How difficult to get into pre-med track at Pitt ? He got $5K/yr scholarship as OOS but we need to know how prestigious Upitt pre-med program is. If any UPitt students who want can be in pre-med program, we consider it’s not prestigious.

It is considered a very strong program because U Pitt is in the top 10 for federal research funding to universities in the medical area: 10 medical schools with the most NIH funding in 2018


My D 2025 got 5k per year and honors (OOS), 1420 SAT, 4.0 UW & 4.6 W GPA, great community service and activities. She loves Pitt and her community in Sutherland, couldn’t be happier the way it turned out.


Of course, UPMC is the great medical school. How about pre-med program itself at Pitt ?

Usually these are tightly correlated. I was told that it is very good because of this reason. I wouldn’t know myself personally – none of our kids are in the life sciences.

I’m not sure I understand your question. Also, a little insider local tip, no one calls Pitt “UPitt”. It’s just Pitt :slight_smile:

The Univ of Pitt Med School is in a top tier med school. It’s an excellent pre-health professional school. Pitt Nursing is #7 in the country! It’s has an amazing dental school, too.

As in any school, the pre-med requirements are tough but you can get a high GPA if you work your butt off. My S19 is maintaining a 4.0 going with 3 semesters left. He studies A LOT. He’s very academic focused, is in the Honors College and takes a lot of honors courses. He’s found his professors very good and accessible.
Like I said, there is no pre-med major but there are pre-health advisors and student groups such as Pitt AMSA. (American Medical Student Association)