University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

It means you’re in! Check your document center in a few days, and the acceptance letter should appear there.

My D22’s portal changed a day before the letter showed up in the document center, and a few days after that she received an email telling her to access the document center for admissions documents. She hasn’t received anything else, like a congratulations email or anything. Maybe that will come later! She applied in September, so after this long wait the lack of fanfare is a little bit deflating!

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They say that merit scholarships are given from October through Feb or March. I guess they must be re-assigning scholarships as some kids withdraw applications (ED results come out or decide otherwise). This year has been exceptional in terms of volume of applications, so slowdown is to be expected. All the best!

Applied 11/27… guessing it will be awhile till a decision, maybe even around March

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My kid 11/5 also still waiting

Doc center was updated a few days later for us. Good luck!

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Hi Everyone, when do Pitt Honors decisions come out? Should be soon, right?

It was in March in 2020.

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Last year Honors decisions were delayed a month from the original date because of the increased number of applicants, sounds like the same thing this year.

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I was just checking this - website says on, or before, March 1.


Hard to imagine they stick to this date when kids who applied over 3 months ago are still waiting. Betting it’s delayed

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Thanks everyone! I was thinking Feb. 1 but it’s more like March 1. I think a student has to apply by Dec. 1 to be considered for Pitt Honors, correct?

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That is what I remember.

It’s definitely by Dec. 1 I remember from the admitted student day in November that the deadline was approaching. The new Pitt Honors dean told me normally 25% of applicants are accepted, but because of the influx of applications, she wasn’t sure what it would be this year. Stiffer competition.

But all students can take honors classes and pursue research at Pitt. I remember talking about this to D22 if she doesn’t get in.

I was hoping my kid could sneak in, but not with this record number of applications- it was the honors dorm that was the prize!
We are doing the accepted student day this month. How was it ? We did a tour in the summer, and he loved it, but it was fairly empty.

My D is a freshman in Honors this year, the main advantages are definitely priority registration for classes and she loves living in the LLC in Sutherland. Has met a ton of great friends with similar interests.


It was very well run. My D22 was accepted into Dietrich School, so she heard from a panel of Dietrich students and a panel of Dietrich advisors/dept. heads. A third sessions was a panel of Pitt Honors students and that was very helpful. We toured campus again (we are from Pittsburgh, LOL), but it’s a different perspective for her looking at the school with a distinguishing eye – “I’m accepted and can go to school here, is it a fit for me?” A different outlook. She can see herself at Pitt, we’ve seen a lot of schools over the years with her 2 older siblings and with her, and she knows if we drove 4-5 hrs., stayed in a hotel, and arrived to see Pitt’s campus and what they had to offer, we’d be super impressed.

Enjoy it when you are here!


Looking back, last year they said kids would know by Feb 1 and decisions were about Feb 14. Maybe with the adjusted timeline to March 1 this year, they will still be out in mid-Feb. It sounds like a lot more to go through though, so we will see.

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Agree. Also for those wondering Chancellors invites came out Feb. 26 of last year.


D22 has on campus interview for Stamps and Nordenberg in mid February, just trying to get all these dates in mind. Pitt is her #1 even without the possible scholarships, and I’m excited to see what unfolds!


So if last year, Honors was mid Feb, and Chancellor’s invites were less than 2 weeks later, it benefits Pitt to get the show on the road! But smart to wait for the later EA decisions from competitive schools and for ED2 decisions to pass!

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