University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

Thanks. Yes it just showed up, but than today she did get an email about it- maybe one or two days later. The email just said to check the document center :slight_smile:

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Thanks. I’ll have my son check again. He looked a few days ago but nothing was new.

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Is he engineering? Good luck! Fingers crossed!

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He is engineering. And undecided about where he wants to go.

Undecided isn’t a bad thing in my opinion:) makes you more flexible on going where the $ fit better. I tell my kids not to fall in love with a school, because it’s going to make you blind to other possibilities! Good to be open minded!


Congrats! Is that $33,000 per year or over four years?

I think I posted this in the wrong place. Congrats! Is that $33,000 per year or over four years?

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It is per year, but it does include the 7k of panther pride (that I’m not familiar with and am not sure is actually Merit) the 26k is definitely merit- 20 originally from the university and 6 from engineering.


I’m not sure if this means I’m accepted- I haven’t gotten an email. I have the decline/accept button as well? When I click on the link, it takes me to a ‘URL Does Not Exist’ page. Applied 12/1, didn’t get a request for any midyear grades



That is your acceptance letter! Click Download!


Yes :slight_smile: maybe The download button isn’t working??? But tha that’s what my daughter’s one looked like :slight_smile:


Hi Laura, Panther Pride is a need based award given primarily to OOS students whose families make too much for a Pell Grant but who still have a sizable gap between EFC and total cost of attendance after deducting scholarships, loans, and work study.

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Ok , that’s pretty cool never got financial help before:) I think the multiple kids in college helps :). So, ya 26K merit it is :slight_smile:

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I just got the FAFSA information and was pleasantly surprised to see our EFC was lower due to two in college.

Applied 12/18. Still waiting. Very frustrating. Waitlisted at Clemson. Very bummed

I have two in college next year too. Not close to my EFC. Should I call the school to challenge? Didn’t file first daughter fafsa yet but disclosed 2 in college on younger daughters.

You can certainly check but everything I’ve read said it usually goes to OOS because the OOS sticker price is so much higher. To use rough numbers, in-state applicants are rarely going to have a $25k gap between EFC and cost of attendance after grants and loans.

I don’t believe Pitt necessarily meets EFC. I have a friend with a freshman, and his cost is well above his FAFSA number. How does it compare to Pitt’s NPC?

What is his EFC? OSS will never be near EFC at a state school compared to an in state student. Pitt/PS/Temple don’t have the funding. Pell grant student who would also qualify for the PHEEA grant. They would be closest to paying EFC.

I was quite shocked by our Panther pride award. Our COA - merit - panther pride is lower than our EFC.

We are OOS, but still. The net price calculator had given me an estimate of need based aid less than what we were awarded, and that did not include any prediction of merit.