University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

I see this:
We will take your highest ACT composite score and your highest SAT superscore. Please note that the university has extended the test-optional program through Fall 2023.

That is a reason why I did not take SAT. Just focus on medical experiences and research projects with some professors at Pitt. I saw people talking about rigor. What does it mean?

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Rigor means how challenging your high school course work is relative to what is offered at your school. For this kind of BS/MD program, I am guessing that Pitt would want to see that you have taken and performed well in the highest levels of math and science that your school offers, as well as showing strength in the other cores (English, social studies, and foreign language) all 4 years.

I did not know that. I just took 3 honors classes in science. Others are standards. All classes are A or A+. GPA is 4.0 Unweighted. I am now worried since mine is not rigorous.

Don’t worry…you can’t change what’s already been done, but understand that selective programs like GAP Medicine are incredibly competitive. Talk to your guidance counselor about your goals, especially in the context of your schedule for next year.

How about my chance with the regular admission at Pitt with 3 honors classes in science. Others are standards. All classes are A or A+. GPA is 4.0 Unweighted. I saw many people here took many AP and honors classes.

Did your school offer more rigorous classes than what you took? Are your grades good in your other classes?

My guess — and it is truly only a guess — is that your chances for admission to Pitt in general next year are very high with what you have described, even if you could have had higher rigor. Where it gets tricky, though, is whether you will be admitted to your first choice major if it’s something very competitive like neuroscience. You may well be admitted to one of these programs, but it’s harder for me to predict. I know of kids who applied to those majors that have high bars and were admitted to Pitt, but not to their program of choice.

Definitely make an appointment with your guidance counselor so the s/he can make sure you are on the right track for scheduling next year.

Yes. I will need to take more AP classes next year. I had taken 24 classes (including 3 Honors Classes in Biology, Chemistry and Physics) until today. All of them A or A+.

My major at Pitt is Economics.

One question: after a student submits a Pitt app, will she/he be assigned an Pitt admission officer to communicate?

You can find the one assigned to your geographic region on this page:

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Thank you!

Is an admission officer assigned based on the location of my high school or my home address?

I didn’t submit any of those if I remember correctly.

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Does it mean that you did not submit any EC activities, awards, clubs … information? Pitt reviews applicants holistically. Maybe you mentioned them in the personal statement? Also if you apply GAP Medicine, how do you let Pitt know that you have medical experiences such as research…?

I’m not sure what you are doing. I don’t think you can prefill out any of the application for next year. I’m pretty sure when the new application comes out in August it’s completely refreshed. Anything in the old one won’t transfer over.

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The current Pitt application does not have a section for ECs. Likely that a Pitt application this August is the same. I am trying to find a way to submit ECs using a Pitt application.

Is there a reason not to use the common app? It’s easier in many ways. You can start an account now. The main application part will rollover in August but anything school specific won’t.

I heard that Pitt processes the Pitt app faster and the Pitt app is much simpler.

Okay. My daughter applied in early September and had a decision within a few weeks, so I’m not sure if it matters.

Did your daughter use the Common App?

You need to chill… Call an admissions officer at Pitt during the week if you’d like. No one can even predict what’s going on this year, let alone next year. Also, these questions can be answered by your school’s guidance counselor. That’s what they get paid to do.

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Use the common app and apply super early. If you are applying to honors really think about your essay and write a really thoughtful one. If you are applying next year you have plenty of time to prepare. My son applied last year and he used the summer before getting prepared. He doesn’t go to Pitt but he did really well his admission cycle and I think its because he prepared and applied early.