University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

I wouldn’t be worried at all! Reading your thread I see all materials were in by 9/4……So truly it’s only been just over 2 weeks. It stinks to wait but I wouldn’t worry!!

Completely agree the waiting is frustrating. Pitt is the 1st school my D applied to, top pick!! Yet, she has already been accepted to 3 other schools that she applied to after doing Pitt’s application. We are hoping the best is yet to come!!

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Would you mind sharing your stats? Just out of curiosity

Who are you asking for stats from?

Which other schools did she apply to and hear from?

Confucius03. He said he’s super nervous

So far she’s been accepted to University of Minnesota, Iowa, University of Arizona. She also applied to UNC, Wisconsin, Michigan, & Ohio State. Again, Pitt is her top choice. Some stats are:
Class Rank: 5th/353
GPA: 3.87UW/4.6 Weighted
ACT: 30
All AP & Honors Classes
5 years Rowing
Tons of EC’s & Awards
Works two part-time jobs

This is just my take, but I think she is worrying too much. Even her ACT isn’t a red flag or anything, as Pitt’s ACT mid 50% range is 28-33.


Thanks, everyone. This forum is extremely helpful. Thank you for your advice and tips.


See the accept / Decline buttons. Waiting for the official document to show up


Are you OOS or in? I feel like OOS is hearing a lot quicker than in state.

OOS (1420 SAT, 3.55 UW/4.47 W GPA, 6 APs with all 4’s so far)
Son applied 9/14
Pitt emails (3) received 9/16
Portal set up 9/16
Application listed as complete 9/18

Note: Accept/Decline Admissions button was in my S’s PSMobile portal immediately when he set it up (even though his application was still listed as incomplete at that time) so I honestly don’t think that it means anything.

The accept/decline line item on the left side under the admissions “tab” is expected.

Tapping that line item on the left and the main page then showing icons/buttons to tap is what will happen later if accepted.


In state

OOS - stats - GPA 4.0 UW, 35 ACT, 15 APs, NMSF, strong ECs. We sent in the transcript and ACT scores 2 weeks earlier, so not sure if it helped them process faster. Major in neuroscience


Son accepted into College of Business Administration! In state.
GPA: 4.2 weighted
SAT: 1410 (Superscore)
Class Rank: NA, high school does not rank
5 AP’s, the rest Honors

Application was completed 8/26. Acceptance letter dated 9/2, which was posted to Document Center on 9/16. Thrilled to be accepted!


My son got an email from admission counselor offering an individual meeting to discuss what Pitt has to offer. Can’t tell if it’s a form letter he sent to everyone or if it was to my son in particular. Anyone else receive one of these? He applied in august, nothing on app or doc center yet.

My D just sent me a screenshot of the separate Accept & Decline buttons!! Yay!!! She’s so excited! Neuroscience


So incredibly thankful to have stumbled upon this site. Just looked in son’s portal and he was accepted into School of Computing and Information for Computer Science. This is his first acceptance and I swear he looked as if the weight of the world had just been lifted.
He’s OOS, and application was submitted on 9/13/21- looks like documents were uploaded yesterday (odd, do they not get email)?


applied on 8/3 and confirmed by Pitt on 8/20, still no decision yet :frowning: