University of Pittsburgh Class of 2026 Official Discussion Thread

When did she apply? She can still get merit. The website says applicants are considered and reconsider for merit until March 1. I hope she gets merit

When did she apply and what’s her major? She has great stats definitely should get some type of merit.

OOS applied in January
Her status went to complete maybe 3 weeks ago, but nothing has changed since then and have not heard anything from them nor has anything been requested.

I should clarify - if you check self service/student admission/application status in that one place, it says “complete”
If you go to the dashboard application status it says pending

My guess would be she applied on the late side. I am from PA and a lot of kids from our school apply to Pitt. It is always said to apply super early. My son applied in September of his admissions cycle. I am sure your student will be accepted, as far as merit I would think they qualify especially being a URM. (The Cathedral of Learning Scholarship is a diversity scholarship) but they may have applied too late. Good luck I am pretty sure your daughter is going to end up with some great offers.


You really have got this right!

Did she apply to Pitt Honors? Those decisions have not come out. If she gets honors, she could very well be one of the 50 students who gets invited to interview for the Chancellor’s Scholarship which I think is full COA. Look that scholarship up to find the details.
There is still a chance for merit. March 1 is the end of it being awarded. I have no doubt she’ll be accepted.

If that is your daughter’s actual profile I’m not sure why you are in this thread because there is the limit approaching a 0% chance she will end up at Pitt.

My D18 had a 1500 and a 5.2 w, and she is a senior at Pitt!! Super high achiever for her high school, so Pitt does attract high stat brainiacs for all sorts of opportunities and reasons.


A 1500 is light years from a 1540 and your daughter is not a URM. I do alumni interviews for a T10. I know where top 1%, 1540 URMs end up, and they do not end up at Pitt. There are 800 of them in the country.


Thanks for the insult

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@AnonDad2026 , I did not see you post that your D is URM. What does she want to study? Is Pitt a top choice? She can email her admissions rep



I’m more interested in adhering to my principle of speaking the truth and informing parents than I am in cultivating Internet friendships, sorry. If this is your first time learning that 3 times the number of students score a 1500 than score a 1540 or that URMs with such a profile are very, very highly sought after at elite schools, I’m not sure what to tell you — other than if you are “insulted” by statements of fact it reflects on you, not me. I’m not going to go back and forth, but there is a 0% chance a URM with that profile attends Pitt. From there, you are welcome to believe whatever you want to believe.

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I do not have to be your internet friend, but I totally disagree about the chance of URMs with 1540s attending the University of Pittsburgh. I think they do.


I think the point @colonelmike64 is making is that @AnonDad2026 D22 is definitely a top candidate at the elite Ivy’s, if she applied. Would she pick Pitt over say Harvard?
It’s the same reason why Pitt might not be convinced of her true interest in the school unless she showed demonstrated interest.

@colonelmike64 My S19 is a 1%er, rising Pitt senior as well, but he had ZERO hooks and was waitlisted at Harvard and Columbia. I totally get your point.


Because like Penned23 said… everything is getting harder to get into.
That being said, without going into a lot of detail, Pitt is a highly ranked school with some excellent opportunities and since she is thinking Med school after college, she liked Pitt for its Med School. Pittsburgh also offers some other opportunities she is interested in. No, Pitt isn’t top on her list, but it is higher on her list than a bunch of schools she applied to for various reasons. For example, I think she would pick Pitt over our instate flagship school, which is higher ranked and where she is already accepted.
I like that you think she is a shoe in for any elite school, but the one elite school she applied to EA deferred her. So, I am extremely nervous about all her apps right now including Pitt.


I did not say she was a shoe in for any elite school; I said she would end up at an elite school. Greta Thunberg isn’t a shoe-in at specific school A. Harvard EA acceptance is incredibly rare for non-legacy and non-recruited athletes and is actually not representative of college acceptances in general. You’re an anxious parent, I get it, but there’s a sizable gap between Harvard EA and Pitt. Your daughter is a probable for Emory, Dartmouth & Vanderbilt and will get into at least one of the T10s to which she applied. Feel free to post your results here in April.


I was exaggerating a little but, point taken. Definitely extremely anxious… maybe more than her. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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@AnonDad2026 you’re doing the right thing in helping her research options other than elite schools.

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The key this year was to apply early. We had almost every school submitted by 10/1. One regular admission pending and I don’t hold out hope because of the number of ED and EA applicants. Have had great results even with stretch schools.